Saturday, January 09, 2016

Blind Item #2

Never a fan of people of color, it makes sense that this A- list comic actress is dating someone who is incredibly racist.


  1. Tricia131:17 AM

    Amy Schumer.
    But first I heard of it

  2. Are we talking about these?

  3. Are we talking about this?

    PS: It seems that you still cannot post a post with two or more links.

  4. Tricia131:26 AM

    Seems you cannot. I saw she had a new man, but know nada about him.

  5. Amy Schumers/Ben Hanisch

  6. Molly2:03 AM

    This is Amy Schumer and her new guy, but "never a fan of people of color"??! Seriously?!

  7. yikes2:48 AM

    confused, why is amy schumer 'not a fan of people of color' did I miss something?

  8. yikes2:49 AM

    oh wow...ok. google once again helps me out:

  9. hero numba22:52 AM

    Lebron would not be happy!

  10. How is this scandalous? Not everyone has to like everyone. I guess I just don't care enough about her to be interested in what she thinks or who she dates.

  11. Fred844:11 AM

    This is Amy Schumer, she's made questionable jokes about Latinos and Blacks in the past.

  12. ellie4:34 AM

    i guess that's what happens when you grow up jewish and privileged. i used to really like her, the more famous she gets the more annoying she is. I LOVED her before her show even started. Now that she's an award winning (apparently A??) comic, she's becoming the worst. I miss when she was C-list. People seem to get shittier the more famous they get.

  13. sandybrook4:42 AM

    You'd think since she has a prominent liberal senator in the family she'd have been taught to be a bit more open-minded and accepting of others.

  14. Amy Schumer is A- list? Lord help us all.

  15. "jewish and privileged" Seriously? It sounds like you could be good friends with her as far as looking down upon others.

  16. Uhh she came from a wealthy family with political ties and she's openly admitted to getting out of trouble by dropping her senator uncles name. She's referred to herself as a Jewish princess or whatever, so you can drop the judgment. And yes, when you grow up privileged you tend to think some things are ok when they're not. See: Ethan Couch.

  17. Honeybunny12:38 PM

    I'm with you Meg. Don't give a rats behind about her or her man.

  18. Agree with H20. What does being Jewish have anything to do with it?

  19. Hot Cola1:35 PM

    The powers that be has made her A-List
    @N, so well just have to stomach her until she goes away... (RE- Chelsie Handler)
    Hopefully shell OD on something or move to India, get married and open an Ashram, so we'll never have to hear from her again..

  20. Christine2:11 PM

    Am I missing something? Jewish is from Israel which is Middle East which is Mediterranean and not "white". It's like my boyfriend from the south who says everyone not black is white. Ummm, I've taught him about latinos, asian, people of mixed races.... He's a good redneck, just wasn't exposed to big cities and stuff. That's howI'd like to think of racists, they just haven't been educated and it's ok. It's everyone's job to do their best, that all they can do.

  21. Christine2:17 PM

    You'd be surprised. Go to Austria or places where it is WHITE. Slavs... they ain't white. There will always be a way for those insecure to try to deferentiate themselves. Hitler went after Jews, then gypsies, then gays, then non blonds.... He was going to narrow it down until there was no one to narrowdown because... he coo coo coco puffs. He did stints in asylums. He was one fry short of a happy meal. So, I'm too keen on racists.

  22. Christine2:18 PM

    Damn, freudian slip, NOT too keen nor impressed by racists.

  23. Christine3:20 PM

    Just one more, you know when I knew race was bullshit? When I went on a date and the dude, who is a friend of a friend, said I should be awed that the master race picked me. The master race is not white, mind you, it is what he is... blonde, blue eyed, German, Harvard MBA, over 6ft tall. Let me tell you, I was thinking, "I hope he doesn't make me pay for my glass of wine. I need to leave now. This guy is psycho."

  24. idgaf what religion someone is, i was referring to shit SHE'S said. think whatever you want, the only people i seriously dislike based on religion is evangelical christians.

  25. what in the hell? what a douche lol. good for you.

  26. jesus christ watch her fucking standup and then get back at me. i'm not racist, not a redneck, i AM educated and the three of you commenters are really making a mountain out of a molehill of a comment, to be honest.

  27. Shalene10:53 PM

    I don't like her. She is embarrassing to watch

  28. it took forever11:06 PM

    wow @ Christine, so i guess brunettes are inferior ,wow , hope you went to the bathroom and climbed through that window.

  29. religiouslyconfused11:12 PM

    She said those "racist" joked were gone in character.

  30. religiouslyconfused11:12 PM

    Jokes and done in character

  31. religiouslyconfused11:15 PM

    She actually denies being a racist in this article and loves all people. She is also a devout feminist.

  32. marlo1:27 AM

    Ellie and Christina are both imbeciles.

  33. Bubbles5:13 AM

    Jewish is from Israel? But Israel as a state is less than 100 years old. Jews are definitely more than 100 years on this earth. And how the hell is Amy Schumer not white? So Goldie Hawn, Kate Hudson and Scarlett Johansson aren't white?

    And since when are people from St. Tropez, Cannes, Nice and Monte Carlo excluded from whiteness because they live on the Mediterranean? You don't sound much more educated than your redneck boyfriend. No tea, no shade.

  34. Malibuborebee9:46 AM

    I don't know whether she's racist or not, comedians talk a lot of shit about a lot of people and I give them some leeway.

    Schumer's just a giant, obnoxious Cabbage Patch Doll.

  35. Noneed4:33 PM

    Isn't she really chummy with JLAW at the moment.

    All I am thinking is like minded people flock together....hmmm

  36. I don't agree.
    Best regards, Edra
