Sunday, January 10, 2016

Blind Item #3 - Golden Globes

This former A+ list mostly movie actress who has dropped to A-/B+ and is a celebrity offspring made it clear to several men who stopped by her table to say hello that they would definitely get to have sex with her if they wanted to spend the rest of the night on her arm taking photos. This offer was only extended to men more famous than she.


  1. Tricia1311:01 PM

    Kate Hudson

  2. Derek Harvey11:06 PM

    She looked like a trashy ho last night-so that is fitting

  3. Hayley11:11 PM

    Kate Hudson didn't even belong there. She should just report to yacht season early

  4. Derek Harvey11:14 PM

    and bring Kate Bosworth and Jamie Alexander with her...What rude little twats they came across as...and so shiny...why was everyone SO SHINY last night???

  5. Hayley11:16 PM

    They were AWFUL! Dressing like it was 1999 or something. The last year Kate B & Kate H were relevant

  6. Kno Won Uno11:18 PM

    Hudson shouldn't still be A-/B+.

  7. question_tag11:25 PM

    She trades sex for a selfie?!? She makes selfies so easy...

  8. LaBomba12:02 AM

    Kate Hudson

  9. Cinabun12:19 AM

    1999 was better

  10. Cookie12:30 AM

    Kate Bosworths forehead was botoxed to the max

  11. Laura Palmer3:04 AM

    Kate's hair and makeup was really shiny wasn't it? But that dress! Omigod, that dress was like a fabrege egg...amazing dress.

  12. NewYearBlues3:28 AM

    Kate Bosworth dress was amazing her instagram has a lovely twirl of it too
    Kate Hudson is sooo desperate. That dress was so tacky she was sucking it in all night.
    She has fallen so hard and mcchaughnahey left her in the dust and skyrocketed
    She should try tv now like Bosworth has done because the art of more is great but Hudson who is too massive

  13. NewYearBlues3:28 AM

    Hudson ego is too massive

  14. Malibuborebee4:54 AM

    Kate Hudson thinks she should be an A+ list movie star.

    Bwaaaahahahahahahahahaha. As if.

  15. Jackelope5:42 AM

    Jamie Alexander and Amber Heard were so coked up shiny and bitchy when they presented together. so gross.

  16. back again9:10 AM

    thanks for the tip @NewYearBlues,just saw KB's dress on her instagram & it IS stunning.The stills of it don't really do it justice.

  17. James9:37 AM

    Kate Hudson yacht girl never well if your really that easy Kate I've a fiver here waiting for you

  18. Shiny = Botox

  19. Kate Hudson should be C list by now. Her movie career is long gone.
