Wednesday, January 06, 2016

Blind Item #3

This very young openly gay foreign born A- list singer was A list for a brief time but needs some new music to keep from falling down the list. He paid for two men in their 50's to go home with him the other night. Our singer has never been with anyone his own age.


  1. Tricia1311:01 PM

    Sam smith

  2. sandybrook11:03 PM

    Sam Smith is 23 Enty--that's not very young that's young. Very young is underaged up to maybe 19. Maybe the 2 tricks are rich?

  3. And someone were there under/in his bed to witness it, ah enty? ;)

  4. Tricia1311:15 PM

    Yep- Nick Jonas:)

  5. MontanaMarriott11:16 PM

    SS is a Geritol queen?!?! Who knew?!?!
    Different strokes for different folks I say.

  6. If talent counts sam smith is A+ from now on with or without new music.

  7. question_tag12:36 AM

    A real talent to sing like he always has a real pain in the as s.

  8. Hey I'm a geritol queen...well-a straight version I guess. I dated a younger guy for a year and was completely bored. I already been there and done that sort of experience. Next guy was 10 years older and hooyah this guy rocked my world enough for me to settle down with him. People don't suddenly get all wrinkly and paunchy when the clock strikes 40.

  9. Kno Won Uno12:50 AM

    I noticed this on Netflix, but couldn't muster up enough interest to watch it.

  10. texasrose1:55 AM

    Hard to believe this moaner ever got to A list. I would have thought most of his fans would have killed themselves by now so he will continue to fall.

  11. I never understood his musical talent.. or his songs.. but I do can see is a frustrated gay full of insecurities. make more money doll because the hook up bills will pile up!

  12. DoctorMaybe4:19 AM

    @sandy: Anyone under thirty is an infant. (grin)

  13. Sam Smith4:47 AM

    Why does every single tragic openly gay male singer blind item have to be ME!

    I am A List, rich and sought after, with or without opening my mouth. Werk it bitches!!!!!!!!! :D

  14. sydguy7:42 AM

    Not Sam Smith. His boyfriends were similar age as him, check his FB page.I believe he is not the only openly gay singer is he? I know he is an obvious choice, but surely there are more of them living in US (or at least being known by the US public).

  15. Gadzooks9:04 AM

    who was that very gay runner up from American Idol a few years ago? He was briefly A list.

  16. Gadzooks9:05 AM

    Never mind, not foreign born. But I don't think this is Sam Smith.

  17. Piloh9:23 AM

    Ricky Martin

  18. Snarknado9:44 AM

    He wrote and sang the Specter James Bond movie theme song and made it a snooze.
