Sunday, January 24, 2016

Blind Item #4

This former reality star on a competition show did ok on the show but has done pretty well since it ended with at least one #1. He also managed to convince a woman to marry him who thinks he likes women rather than men.


  1. MontanaMarriott11:32 PM

    Did Clay Aiken get engaged?

  2. Derek Harvey11:33 PM

    colton dixon american idol

  3. Tricia1311:33 PM

    Max Chermokovsky is engaged. He did well on show.

  4. Derek Harvey11:34 PM

    Colton Dixon on Saving Sex for Marriage: 'It Was Not Easy' - But It ...
    People Magazine-Jan 22, 2016
    When Colton Dixon and his new wife Annie arrived at the Polynesian resort where they stayed for their honeymoon, they remembered ...

  5. Jordan Smith - the Voice

  6. Tricia1311:55 PM
    Never heard of him, but ooh he looks the part and had a #1 Somebody to Love, I guess?( cover, that is).

  7. Derek Harvey12:20 AM

    Jordan Smith did not do "ok" on the show---he WON

  8. Tricia132:01 AM

    Why- do you (argue with me when I am correct more than you?

  9. Derek Harvey3:29 AM

    because A. He is not MARRIED he is ENGAGED
    B. He WON The Voice (not just did OK)

    How full-of yourself

  10. This can mean either engaged or married. Convince someone to marry you= propose and they say yes.

  11. Gookie4:41 AM

    I don't think it's Jordan Smith. It's too early with the "okay". Maybe someone like Philip Phillips.

  12. Tricia134:48 AM

    I didn't type that. And whoever is can stop jacking my name and gravatars....this is like 4 or 5- or you that effin disturbed?

  13. Anti5ocial5:38 AM

    Jordan Smith would have been my guess but his success (#1s) came while on the show. I almost wonder if it's a reality show that is no longer on TV, not so much that his season is over, or if it's even a singing competition (Americas Got Talent)

  14. Wendy6:53 AM

    She clearly didn't write that...

  15. Wendy6:54 AM

    This blind is probably supposed to be Colton Dixon like Derek said....he just got married and he and his wife didn't have sex before marriage so it could be easy to do...

  16. Wendy6:55 AM

    And he is Christian musician so he could have had a #1 in that genre.

  17. Wendy6:56 AM

    Boom...Derek got it.....2 number 1 albums on the Christian Album charts....

  18. ellie7:21 AM

    what in the fuck? I would legit be freaked out if I were you.

  19. ellie7:21 AM

    Phillip Phillips won American Idol.

  20. Tricia137:51 AM

    Yep. I am. It's like my 5th?
    Oh The irony of putting one up to have a secure identity---- something to be said for having none I guess. Really don't get the sickness of posting as/impersonating someone else. So feeble.

  21. Oh my. Yep, definitely gay. Cute too!

  22. Derek's Anal Beads8:46 AM

    Wanna fuck with some anal beads?

  23. Robert9:37 AM

    On the old site I actually liked you and thought others were unfair to you. I'm sorry to say that has changed due to your continuously nasty responses - you seem to have a serious emotional issue.

  24. Robert9:40 AM

    By the way, I don't know how she does it, but somehow Tricia clearly gets most of the answers correct and first. I don't think that's such a claim to fame, but she is clearly the winner by far FWIW.

  25. Derek Harvey12:27 PM

    Who gives a rats ass what you think of me smh
