Friday, January 15, 2016

Blind Item #6

She loves the attention and contributes to the fanning of the flames whenever possible but this A+ list singer is not pregnant, despite the reports. The way she was chugging back champagne on New Year's Eve at a very fast pace would indicate she isn't.


  1. Derek Harvey12:01 AM


  2. back again12:02 AM

    Gwen Stefani

  3. back again12:04 AM

    she's obviously not A+ but I'm ignoring Enty's ratings.

  4. back again12:06 AM

    having a little girl with Blake..blah,blah,blah...
    this is probably Beyonce with the pics of her wearing that big coat,etc

  5. Derek Harvey12:06 AM

    Tricia got it.

  6. Kno Won Uno12:11 AM

    I guess I'm having one of those days, sorry.
    Enty, you do know that pregnancy doesn't make it physically impossible to consume alcohol, right? It's not like you develop an alcohol allergy or your body rejects champagne.
    It's not a good idea, but there are lots & lots of women who consume alcohol in moderation throughout their pregnancies.
    The consumption of alcohol is not a reliable indicator of the absence of a fetus on board.
    The more you know.

  7. Tricia1312:12 AM

    Thanks for noticing me Derek!

  8. MoosTooMuch12:19 AM

    Is this about me?

  9. Beyonce has been pregnant for at least 2 years now according to the media

  10. Kibble12:32 AM

    +4 and a padded baby bump.

  11. +5 she wore a baggy sweater in a staged pap shot. Hey maybe she is, if not its just so silly!

  12. Tricia1312:49 AM

    I'm pregnant but I still drink. A girl has to have her daily wine.

  13. Ladylaw1:57 AM

    It drives me nuts that this woman is referred to as an A+ List singer when in fact we all know she is an A+ List lip syncer.

  14. Meh ... Why do we care what she does with her body? She could be planning an abortion, so the excessive alcohol consumption won't matter anyway. For that matter even if she carries to term, none of my business if she wants to raise her fetal-alcohol child... Her body, her choice.

  15. It's always the stage of pregnancy that matters when you ingest anything, or are exposed to something. There are times when drinking harms the fetus and times when it doesn't. The doctor can advise on this stuff but too much is not a good idea.

  16. Unemployable6:48 AM

    Maybe the fetus realized who its parents were about to be and decided it needed a stiff drink.

  17. Honeybunny3:50 AM

    +6 And if she is, shame on her.

  18. Honeybunny3:54 AM

    Actually you should never drink alcohol when pregnant. Most women find out when they are 3 or more months pregnant. You can seriously harm a fetus if you are drinking.
