Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #1

November 25, 2015

This A list momager thinks she is being cool when she drinks. She thinks no one notices that she falls down and runs into things and gets out of control. Her drinking habits have become legendary and cringe worthy to those around her at a party.

Kris Jenner


  1. back again12:21 AM

    now videos of THIS would be awesome.

  2. I don't think its her drinking habits that have people cringing....she's a Kartrashian, people cringe at the site of all of them!

  3. AndrewBW12:28 AM

    @backagain - That's a Kardashian show I might watch!

  4. Kno Won Uno12:47 AM

    As a woman of a similar age group, her entire existence is a cringe-fest. Her wardrobe, her "BF", her cosmetic surgery, her extreme try hardiness...argh.

  5. Sylvia1:23 AM

    She is just plain trash as all her daughters are.

  6. And-so-on..1:31 AM

    She has a multitude of lies to keep straight.., men to use and ditch.. Old hag better sober up..

  7. Kibble1:39 AM

    I love the way you all think.

  8. Kibble1:42 AM

    @kno Similar age boat, likewise cringing. I feel one can be one's age and still be stylish and elegant rather than forcibly faux-young-ish, and desperique.

  9. Not surprised she's a drunkard with drunkard off-spring.
    No wonder Bruce became a woman!
    (Was that mean?)

  10. Alpha1:55 AM

    You think her try hardiness was bad just for all that you mentioned but it seems that she really does have a sex tape

  11. saras1:57 AM

    Maybe she will fall down her staircase: ) Take all her disgusting children with her while she is at it...

  12. When you mix alcohol & pills that tends to happen!

  13. Honeybunny7:51 AM

    Ain't nothing worse then an old drunk.

  14. Heloise8:48 AM

    Hey Enty you go after the Kardashians because they are an easy target (and deserve it) but what about Lady Gaga ? Why everyone is so afraid to say something bad about her and backpedal when they do ? Why is she buying all these awards and nobody says anything ? Why nobody says anything about her growing in the masonic temple in Central ParK West ?

  15. Suzanne9:05 AM

    Because the Kartrashians are like the elephants in the room (at least their asses are). You can't ignore them. They are like those damned whack-a-moles - you can pound them all you like, but they keep popping back up again.

  16. Abby78819:58 AM

    ugh. Although did anyone think it was gonna be someone else?

  17. Mystery Man11:58 AM

    Are you really suprised.

  18. Claire12:05 PM

    Don't call it a "blind item" if you're going to make it so freakin' obvious.

    "A+ momager" = Kris Jenner always.

  19. Claire12:06 PM

    Enty always talks shit about Gaga.

  20. cebii9:45 PM

    Underneath it all, Gaga has talent. She can sing, she can write and she can perform. Her acting is questionable, but she has Ryan Murphy hanging over her shoulder telling her how wonderful she is.
