Sunday, January 24, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #2

December 2, 2015

At an after party this past weekend, this A list country singer/part-time reality star had a woman all over him and he was not pushing her away at all. I wonder what his supposed girlfriend would think about all that.

Blake Shelton


  1. Snarknado12:44 AM

    She knows how to pick 'em.

  2. AllieC3:04 AM

    Love Blake but can't see him with Gwen -not seriously at least. She's 10 years older with 3 kids, one of which is an infant.

  3. ItsaBeautifulLife9:09 AM

    I liked Blake & Miranda as a couple. I keep waiting for someone to jump out & yell "PSYCH!" & the break-up/divorce/Gwen hook-up just be Blake pranking his fans.

    IMO (that that they care :) Gwen is not a good match for him at all. There is nothing natural about her & like Allie C said, "She’s 10 years older with 3 kids, one of which is an infant."

    That's a lot to handle.

  4. Scallywag11:54 AM

    He cheated on two wives, why wouldn't he cheat on a rebound girlfriend?

  5. Weezy9:48 AM

    Oh Gwen only cares if there are too many witnesses or potential publications writing articles about it to pay them all off. As long as they can keep the PR train rolling, Blake's living up to his side of the arrangement.
