Wednesday, January 06, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #2

December 21, 2015

She might have better luck selling her pitch if she didn’t insist on playing herself. This former A list singer turned reality star who did act (horribly) in some movies before turning into a businessperson wants to be a star in front of the cameras. Apparently a clip of a scene she stars in to help sell it is awful.

Jessica Simpson


  1. AllieCam1:19 AM

    Does anyone know what Jessica is on? The past year or even maybe the past 4 times I've seen her in interviews, she's slurring her words and obviously out of it. It honestly reminded me of Anna Nicole Smith. It's def not alcohol unless it's combined with some pills. Scary.

  2. leave it to me1:23 AM

    her best performance was selling clothes drunk on QVC

  3. I was once told: "Only about 5 people have the gift of god when it comes to directing. If the rest are doing it, why can't you?" This makes me think, that it could be no worse than any other show on TV to have Jessica "acting." (It very well could be a good laugh.)

  4. I think she is on the weight loss/amphitamine +booze diet which can cause the slurring and strange behavior Alliecam.

  5. B-Fabulous2:36 AM

    My guess is Adderall, hence all the weight loss. It's pretty addictive stuff.

  6. June Gordon2:53 AM

    Adderall, like all Over the Counter meth, does NOT make you slur your words. But OXYs can -- if you take enough. Trust.

  7. Kno Won Uno3:31 AM

    Yup, yup, yup.
    No weight loss drug that I'm aware of causes that kind of loopiness. That's an opiate/barbiturate thang.

  8. nancer3:56 AM

    well, she can't sing either, so no shock she can't act. i don't get why she's even still gossip-worthy anymore except for getting drunk and stumbling a lot.

  9. Molly1:08 PM

    She's Britney level of dumb; that should explain everything.

  10. hunter2:48 PM

    Benzos like Xanax and Ativan can make one act drunk and slur their words.
