Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #3

December 12, 2015

This Teen Mom who, lets face it is not exactly that pious called this former model turned wife turned divorced reality star wannabe turned whatever she is calling herself this week a w**re. She said it like she does not do the same thing a million times over.

Farrah Abraham/Amber Rose


  1. sandybrook1:32 AM

    she didn't lie

  2. Hi, pot. Meet kettle.
    I'm betting that Farrah wouldn't say this to Amber's face, but that'd make for the best TV she ever did. Same genre: TV show based on poor decisions.

  3. Derek Harvey1:53 AM

    Amber is not a porn star and seems to be a better mother than Farrah. And she is not a psycho bitch that can not string a coherent sentence together. I also have never seen her yell at and disrespect everyone in her presence ..

  4. Snarknado.com2:12 AM

    A lot of hacking been going on here. When setting up a gravatar account:
    Passwords: Try for at least 8 characters (the longer the better, It should be something you can remember easily. Use a phrase and condense it by taking the first letter only of each word and and a capital letter for words with vowels.
    For example: The Force Awakens thEfOrcEAwAkEns add numbers of symbols thE4fOrcE$AwAkEns!
    And remember that when it comes to setting up new passwords, it's smart to LIE when filling out password security questions. Most of the questions have answers that can be easily discovered by basic Google searches about you. If you know a lot about an obscure celebrity, answer the security questions like they would, or like your uncle or grandmother would, or the Pope. Always keep a note of your answers, handwritten and not on your computer notepad.

  5. Cinabun3:18 AM

    Great ideas for creating a password for anything! Thanks!

  6. Cinabun3:20 AM

    Can't stand Farrah. She does this just for attention & it works.
    Though I lived her Ray J pic over the kartrashians. That was *priceless.* ☺

  7. Cinabun3:20 AM


  8. Farrah is jealous Amber's a pimp.

  9. Malibuborebee4:07 AM

    I agree, @emoticon, it's probably business-related. Either the teen mom whore is jealous of Amber's successful pimping/whoring or Amber froze the teen mom whore out of some lucrative whoring gigs.

  10. Snarknado8:18 AM

    The world is yours, Cinabun, go to it!

  11. ellie9:05 AM

    lol the last episode, her saying to her mom, "I don't yell and overreact. I don't cry all the time and I'm not mean like you" blah blah blah. She has zero self awareness

  12. TheMountains10:30 AM

    I hope teen mom's are a part of the February ban.

  13. Derek Harvey12:31 PM

    lol IKR...
    I like Amber though---did you read about her calling Kanye out on Twitter?1 lol...

  14. I like Amber, too. She got hot, too...I didn't see that coming. Noo I didn't see that, I looked it up but didn't find anything

  15. Derek Harvey12:59 PM

    Kanye West Vs Amber Rose: Will She Release Private Pics To Humiliate Him After Twitter War?
    Hollywood Life‎ - 6 hours ago
    Could Amber Rose take her Twitter war with Kanye West to the next level? Amber mocked ...

  16. Derek Harvey1:01 PM

    I meant Amber ROSE not Amber Portwood lmao

  17. Derek Harvey1:02 PM

    and I like both haha

  18. ellie1:26 PM

    Ahhaha that makes more sense. I like Amber Rose, too, I've never been sure why

  19. Claire1:49 PM

    The reveals suck today. All about nobodies.

  20. Kat772:01 PM

    I don't know anyone on Teen Mom.

  21. Claire2:11 PM

    Me neither, unless I see them in a little box on the corner of US Weekly while I'm waiting to check out at the grocery store. And it's also something about drugs.
