Monday, January 25, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #4

December 4, 2015

This B+ list mostly television actress is on a hit almost television show. She blew off a big event with that organization and ended up having to spend two nights straight making up for it with extra work and a big check.

Laura Prepon


  1. Why don't these people drop these bastards and run? I just don't understand it. Especially celebrities like this -- whose business in part is to interact with journalists and keep current with what's going on at least as it regards the film industry and when the Hollywood Reporter starts taking hits - it's now squarely in the realm of a film industry issue. So for that reason - they KNOW what's going on and it just creeps me out when they continue their membership or worse - speak out on their behalf - and give them money to keep hurting people - real people far less privileged than they are and whose opinions they could sway because of their celebrity. I'm as creeped out by those celebrities as I am by the psycho that runs the place.

  2. Kno Won Uno1:56 AM

    Gee, that sounds like a fun way to squander time, money, autonomy /s

  3. AndrewBW2:26 AM

    Serves her right. She knows who the boss is.

  4. I am slow, does this refer to Scientology?

  5. Zilla18:56 AM

    Because the Church gets all sorts of dirt on these people from mandatory sessions that are like psychiatric sessions buy without the credentials or the oath of confidentiality.Therefore a lot of celebs are loath to leave.

  6. Shityoucantbuy9:53 AM

    Yes :)

  7. Blackmail from auditing sessions to keep people in Co$ is played out. With all the bad publicity the cult has generated lately, I would think you could leave even if they had shit on you.

    Quid pro quo. Don't leak details of my auditing sessions and I won't join Leah Remini on 20/20 blowing up your cult and detailing what a psycho David Miscavaige is (Tom Cruise bff). I truly believe at this point, anyone still tied to Co$ is there willingly or they can't walk away and lose friends and family due to heinous disconnection policy.

  8. Cinabun1:25 PM

    Gotta wonder about anyone who believes that Xenu story..

  9. Claire3:46 PM

    It's brainwashing, pure and simple. The whole "auditing" thing is just a means to tear people down psychologically and claim that Scientology can fix problems they don't even have.

  10. Claire3:46 PM

    But Scientology gives me MORE time! MORE money! MORE autonomy!

  11. Claire3:48 PM

    Not really. She's been brainwashed. Not in a weird sci-fi way but the reason L. Ron and his ilk hate psychiatry is because they think it will help people get some goddamn common sense and realize the shit that's being pulled on them in Scientology.
