Friday, January 29, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #4

November 4, 2015

This former B list reality star turned celebrity who has much higher name recognition than she should because of her last name and one of her A+ list reality friends was trolling through a Halloween party looking for a guy willing to pay for her next breast augmentation. Money is tight for her, especially as she gets older.

Brittny Gastineau


  1. sandybrook1:48 AM

    This ho really doesnt need more breast work. But she's an imbecile, so there's that--too bad they cant implant intelligent brain cells in her head.

  2. Studio541:51 AM

    It shows how quickly these no talent bimbos are COMPLETELY FORGOTTEN as soon as their lousy show is cancelled. I can't wait until they cancel the K-trash show.

  3. Kno Won Uno1:52 AM

    I wouldn't know her or her name if I tripped over them in the street.

  4. Marianne1:52 AM

    Instead of trolling a Halloween party for someone to pay for new boobs, btw what kind of parties are these? Go get a job and pay for your own damn breast augmentation. Just's called filling out an application, going through a job interview and securing a job. Your certainly are not on any entitlement program I'm aware of, so sick and tired of these silver spoon children. After all isn't she in her 40's please give me a break.

  5. Are not there those parties were people can have plastic surgery and all?

  6. sandybrook2:03 AM

    No that' s Tupperware parties where women get together to buy plastic storage units for home storage use from other women/salespeople.

  7. Yes, I remember it correctly. Here is some news about it;

  8. Derek Harvey3:24 AM


  9. Shityoucantbuy3:28 AM

    I find it soooo weird that Kim is her bff but Rose McGowan also calls her her bff.. Rose is into hardcore feminism lately, what is she doing with a girl who hangs out with dudes to get new tits? (then again, she banged M.Manson and stole another woman's man). That girl is 1 big identity crisis.

  10. back again5:24 AM


  11. And-so-on..5:29 AM

    2 more days until the kartrashadian free February... YAY YAY!

  12. Hot Cola6:20 AM

    Yeah, @sandybrook
    Half of them really need brain implants not boob/butt implant...

  13. texasrose7:48 AM

    If only she had had a sex tape leaked. She could have been KK.

  14. Claire9:13 AM

    This bitch is NOT A list and who even knows her last name? Almost no one. Point is: who cares?

  15. texasrose12:03 PM

    You're right. The blind says former B list.
