Wednesday, January 06, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #4

December 30, 2015

At this point, this foreign born one hit wonder who took the world by storm for several months needs an intervention. Her addiction to plastic surgery is out of control and now she is telling friends she wants to look like those women who have transformed themselves into Barbie and even remove ribs.

Iggy Azalea


  1. sandybrook1:45 AM

    Has dumb bitch taken a close look at the Barbie idiots and the Kens fwiw? Nick Young ain't spending his money for that.

  2. NewYearBlues1:46 AM

    Her face is smacked up

  3. Are not we aggravating it a bit? Just because she has done her lips and all, it does not always immediately mean she goes overboard and becomes a life-sized Barbie Girl. If you know what I mean.

  4. Janie2:48 AM

    She actually wasn't bad looking before, but she's turned her self into a real life "White Chick". If they make a sequel they can just hire her.

  5. She would need a butt reduction surgery that might NOT be possible.

  6. Kno Won Uno3:27 AM

    Pfft. Her legs are too short to be Barbie. Everyone knows that.

  7. She's still not a one hit wonder.

  8. Gregorio4:02 AM

    Agreed, & to be honest I'm not buying this one. Has she possibly gotten bit by the P.S. Bug? It's possible, but claiming she wants to be one of those Barbie types that the world mocks? No way. If you've ever heard izzy speak, she's clearly on the brighter side compared to most of hear pop peers.

  9. If u take a vacation or a professional break it ends ur career apparently. Can we call someone a one hit wonder without a second album failing miserably?

  10. Unemployable7:49 AM

    Barbie Doll might be a little ambitious for her. She should aim for Cabbage Patch Doll and see how that goes.

  11. Unemployable7:57 AM

    "and even remove ribs."
    Good idea, and maybe have those vocal chords removed too while she's at it.

  12. hunter2:47 PM

    Being intelligent does not preclude her from having the types of emotional issues that would make her susceptible to the desire for an extensive makeover.

  13. Snarknado10:42 AM

    She could be Midge.

  14. HiddenName11:20 AM

    Her and Nick Young are over. It's all over HSK.

    And to anyone who thinks she's 'brighter than her peers'.... Literally, she is. Wonder how much skin lightener she used to get that way.

    Iggy = Fake Rap Chick. Iggy should do herself a favor and run a couple laps and turn herself into a healthy person and not some plastic Barbie- that jobs already taken.
