Thursday, January 14, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #5

December 11, 2015

One of the things I really dislike is how new celebrity mothers try to shame other mothers or “inspire” them that they can lose baby weight too. This A- list mostly movie actress made it sound like she was just a regular mom. Nope. 4 hour a day workouts, lipo, waist training and starving is how she did it.

Zoe Saldana


  1. sandybrook2:49 AM

    She's got a career to get back to

  2. lyonne2:51 AM

    this isnt directly related to this blind/zoe saldana,
    well i mean topic wise its related but to point out
    Ive seen the shaming the other way around - overweight mothers shaming women who start trying to get back to healthy after having a child. DEFINITELY not waist training and surgery though, but actual legit exercise. thats crazy to me to shame somebody for health!

    I dont have children and dont plan on having them but you think a kid would be the best reason to stay healthy/get healthy. just think how it affects the kid when u are not healthy. they get the bad habits too and become unhealthy themselves

  3. Zilla12:59 AM

    The point is that she shouldn't be representing miraculous weight loss as something that can happen to anyone when she had to employ extreme measures to accomplish it.

  4. I hate liars!

  5. Snookiemonster3:25 AM

    True! Most women cant afford lipo or Nannies to watch their babies so they can go to a gym four hours a day.

  6. Kno Won Uno3:28 AM

    I hear you - the FA movement is just as spiteful (from what I've seen, it can be *more* vile) as fat shaming.
    When people think it's OK to type - "you're too skinny and you should go kill yourself, you f@cking bitch!" as defense against fat-shamers (who aren't even the people in the photo!), there's something very wrong here.
    Fighting hate with bigger hate is frickin stupid.

  7. Kno Won Uno3:32 AM

    Again, I am compelled to mention that Kim Kardashian, that paragon of truth and virtue (<--I jest about that part) told all 12 gahzillion followers exactly how much weight she gained with her second pregnancy and that no one should expect her to be "bikini ready" in less than a year because LOL!
    I don't much care whether she's coming from common sense or laziness, but it was a nice change of pace from 3 weeks post postpartum magazine covers. That shit is bananas.

  8. What exactly does "waist training" do? Sounds like celeb Mumbo-Jumbo to me. You can't train your waist with anything except side bends, twists, weight-resistance and weight loss. It must be the Adderall diet that makes these heauxs think that shit works

  9. AtlLady5:10 AM

    I seem to recall that Pamela Anderson once commented that before she had children, her lower belly was caved inward. After the babies, she had a slight paunch that she never could get rid of. Having a baby changes a woman's body, some more than others.

  10. LaBomba5:22 AM

    It doesn't train anything, it's just a black colored girdle that they wear on top of their clothes to look like serious fashionable people who just left the gym wearing their weight belts. Once it's removed everything expands back to normal and they can breathe again

  11. Hot Cola6:33 AM

    Not to mention your husband and your sex life...

  12. Hot Cola6:33 AM


  13. Unemployable6:41 AM

    Its wrong to shame fat people! Its just terrible! That being said, is what I'm reading in Radar Online about PMK gaining 72 pounds true? If so, then shame on that fat bitch! There are people starving right here in America! Probably because PMK keeps beating them to the buffet table. PMK now stands for Pretty Massive Kankles! I guess she went swimming recently in St Barts and had to run back up onto the beach to escape a Japanese whaling vessel. To complicate matters people kept trying to roll her back into the water. Pimpin' aint easy!

  14. She gave birth to twins. Not easy for a body to bounce back from having two babies. I've never read one thing about Zoey fat shaming anyone. So she got back into shape like most American women. It may not be ideal choice for the health nuts, but for a women taking care of two babies, she did what she had to do. Hollywood doesn't like women over a size 2. Not many women would admit to going to such extreme measures to get back into shape. Cut her some slack she's a sweetheart.

  15. Penelope 29:55 AM

    I don't get the lipo thing.. why have surgery to rush it? That much exercise, watching your diet, etc will get you back in shape, surgery seems so risky and unnecessary.

  16. Cinabun1:28 AM

    Reminds me of the bumper sticker 'mean people suck'...

  17. Cinabun1:32 AM

    I think it's based on using what looks like a girdle after birt to help the stomach muscles go back. Been around for 1000s of years & still used. And it does help, ESP w/ c-section. I was a doula for a while. ☺
