Saturday, January 02, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #5

November 9, 2015

Back in the day, this singer was A list. One named singer. No, not named Ashanti. She was young when they found her. Very young. Below legal age young. She wanted to be a star, so she listened to them (a back in the day female and male A list rapper) and did whatever they wanted. She did the drugs they told her to do. She had sex with anyone they told her to. In return they made her a star. They kept the majority of her money. She was their perfect breadwinner/plaything. She never complained and she never argued. If someone was ever going to show you an example of brainwashing, she was the perfect person to put on display. There came a time though when a few members of this group started having some financial issues. They took out some loans and toured more, but they couldn’t get out of the hole. So, they sold their prized possession. One day she was with one group and the next day she was with this mogul/entrepreneur/record executive. She said she was in love with him, but a few dollars in a different direction and she would have been saying she loved this A+ list rapper/mogul who thought he won the bidding for her. The guy who won grew tired of having to hide all of the other women. The A lister didn’t care, but the public wouldn’t understand so our mogul had to hide and keep things secret. He hated that. Lucky for him, the situation resolved itself. Lots of people say he resolved it himself.

Aaliyah/Missy Elliott/Timbaland

Person who bought her -Damon Dash

Person who wanted to buy her-Jay-Z


  1. Puffy2:04 AM

    this makes me very sad.

  2. Tapioca2:04 AM

    wow another nasty one!!!
    poor girl, she was so gorgeous and talented :(

  3. Katie2:09 AM

    Damn Enty

  4. Tricia132:12 AM

    Truly tragic, and sadly wasn't hard to guess her- although I dismissed Missy early on because thought she would've had her back in that industry somehow. And Timbalind is a nice guy from what I have heard- so maybe he changed? Or maybe just can't believe people would do these things:(

  5. See, it's blinds like me that makes me wonder about the news that Rita Ora was suing to get out of her contract with Jay-Z.

  6. I hope they all reap what they sow. What a disaster and women had children with these men!!

  7. R KELLY not mentioned in this blind?

  8. Yeah how is THAT possible?? According to the Lifetime movie, he was alllll over that

  9. meowie2:22 AM

    No mention of R. Kelly or her uncle? They were "handling" Aaliyah before Timba and Missy.

  10. Tim and Missy were just two hungry producers back then. Never heard either referred to as saints. Ultimately it was up to Aaliyahs PARENTS to take care of her. Tim and Missy didnt look at her as someone to protect, they were BOTH in love with her.

  11. I would've guessed timberland loved Aaliyah. He speaks about her as if his heart was ripped out even his wife looks like her. I don't think Damon had her killed not intentionally maybe he had a stash of dope on the plane, but the pilot would've took off knowing they wouldn't have got up in the air. I think God just wanted his angel back in heaven with him.

  12. Sad but it continues to happen everyday with these young starlets and the predator producers, i.e Kesha and Dr Luke. Kesha was 18 at the time but thats still a kid. Ultimately parents have to protect their kids.

  13. Groaning3:17 AM

    I so want to see these people just get burned by karma.

  14. Wendy4:06 AM

    So enty, are you saying that Damon Dash made Aaliyah's plane crash?

  15. Hot Cola5:29 AM


  16. Hot Cola5:29 AM

    Me too

  17. NewYearBlues6:03 AM

    no jay z and damon both bid on her
    jay z thought he won but damon won
    eventually jay z got her but needed to get rid of her because he wanted more women to play with
    her plane had an accident on jay z watch
    a few of inconvenient women in jay z life have had accidents
    jay also "allegedly" keeps beyonce drugged up to control her like her dad matthew did her mom tina which is why she sometimes looks so out of it. he puts it in her food *allegedly*

  18. texasrose6:49 AM

    When you see the reveal is Missy Elliot, Aaliyah,timbaland,damon dash, and JayZ, you know there is some ghetto fuckery going on.

  19. Or maybe you can't trust blind items on gossip sites.

  20. Shityoucantbuy8:54 AM

    This must be wrong because I am pretty sure R Kelly was married to Aaliyah when she was about 15.

  21. Oh, so he's saying that Jay-z made Aaliyah's plane have an "accident"...

    and did you guys know that her name is pronounced AH (as in say AHHHH)
    I saw an old interview she did, she said you say it like you would say muhammad ALI-ah.....I've been saying it wrong my whole life lol.

  22. No, Enty's saying Dash made the accident happen.

  23. Snarknado1:03 PM

    Why are you here?

    Truthers meet at Norm's Internet Cafe, next to the downtown Greyhound bus station.

  24. TopperMadison10:08 PM

    So, in order to break up with a 21-year old woman, he had to take out eight other people, too? B.S.

  25. CobraDemander11:12 PM

    @sharknado haaaa that was gold.

  26. numoon312:44 AM

    I believe it and you got to wonder wtf is up w QBey

  27. Lol -fkn L everyone knows she had too much damn luggage, she was warned, pulled a fit, plane took off, plane went SPLAT.

  28. Whywhywhy???6:30 AM

    Jay better not serve B any meals around Solange...LOL

    I feel for Aaliyah, sh e had probably been used her whole life so was used to it. Maybe her own mom saw her as a way to get money. She seemed sexualized early cause she was very young 12 or 13 I think around the Robert years.
