Friday, January 01, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #9

August 6, 2015

Lost in the shuffle of the career of this foreign born B+ list mostly movie actress who is beloved is the time she got pregnant, went into hiding and then had the baby. That she had the baby is known by more than a few people. You can’t just have someone like her give birth and have a 100% lockdown. Fewer people know who is raising the baby, but it is a family member who suddenly had a baby one day. What I have always wondered is who the father of the baby is. Is it the actor who we would all want her to have the baby with under normal circumstances or is it that two week hookup she had. Those are the two big possibilities.

Rachel McAdams


  1. sandybrook3:05 AM

    Well one reason why she is beloved is because this isn't known ......

  2. Katie3:08 AM


  3. Sandy, why do you think people's opinions of her would change? If she is not equipped to raise a child, she found someone who is.

    I guess I don't understand what seems like shade.

  4. sandybrook3:20 AM

    Her baby is with her sister. We don't know why she gave it up but she quit the business for 2 years and then came back in.

  5. Simon3:20 AM

    Well at least a reveal who isn't a d list "celebrity"

  6. I don't want to speak for Sandy, but I suspect she was thinking of a kind of Meg Ryan/January Jones combo...not that my opinion of her would "change," but these are two actresses whose reps weren't exactly helped by flings and mystery pregnancies...

  7. detnow3593:24 AM

    So who was the two week hookup?

  8. Lemon Swizzle (fka Princess Kate)3:24 AM

    Another great reveal! Gosling is obviously the first possible, but who is the two week hook up?

  9. hothotheat3:27 AM

    Agree @CoBe why would someone think less of her for this? It's possible the family member had struggled with infertility.

  10. Sounds like someone had just gotten through the "Edith's secret baby" plotline on "Downton Abbey" when they came up with this story.

  11. Who is the 2 week hookup?

  12. muchlu3:31 AM

    im curious about this hook up too, I remember there were blinds about mistery pregnancies and she was a guess at some point, but dont remember who the subject was

  13. MissE3:32 AM

    I remember this blind, the hook up guess was luke wilson

  14. figandlychee3:35 AM

    wasn't she linked to Taylor Kitsch for a minute?

  15. Dutch3:44 AM

    It has to be the 2 week hook up. Otherwise why would she hide it if it was Ryan Gosling? So who was the hookup?

  16. question_tag3:44 AM

    Ben Affleck was ready to put his marriage off for McAdams but Garner got pregnant with their little boy. Dunno if the timing matches.

  17. Mishell3:51 AM

    Maybe she was pregnant by neither and was a surrogate for her sister and didn't want to highlight it in the media?
    I'm just guessing.

  18. Malibuborebee4:26 AM

    I recall a lot of people getting this one right at the time it was posted.

    I'm presuming the daddy 'people want' for her kid is Gosling? The two-week hookup could be Jude Law's assistant, Ben Jackson. According to "Who's Dating Who" she dated him for a month after she and Josh Lucas broke up.

  19. Wendy4:33 AM

    I'm calling b/s on this. Idk why, but it just seems very made up to me.

  20. Jasmine4:48 AM

    Yeah, this is bs. Like about 93% of everything else written on this site.

  21. Renee4:51 AM

    Benecio Del Toro

  22. Malibuborebee6:09 AM

    Interesting guess, Renee, he had a kid with Kim Stewart too. He gets around but we don't see/hear much about it.

  23. Wendy6:30 AM

    lol true, true

  24. Cupcakes4all7:28 AM

    I totally believe this, I love her but I am NOT one of those people that hold celebs higher than they do their ownselves. Things happen and I think she made the choice that was right for her.

    maybe the dad is married, things happen.
    Hope the kid is healthy and happy.

    I still want her to be w/Ryan

  25. Molly7:28 AM

    Wasn't there a blind about her this summer that she's pregnant by her co-star on True Detective?! Can't be arsed to look it up.

  26. back again11:59 AM

    OR Josh Lucas was another guess according to the timing..
    @Malibu also has this Ben jackson guy who fits the timing....

  27. TimHwood7:25 PM

    This is a waste of time but I think Rachel deserves better than than this. As a point of fact: in 2009 she shot a film "Morning Glory," dated Josh Lucas and then briefly Jude Law's assistant (the aforementioned Mr. Jackson) at the end of the year. In 2010 she made three films and started a long relationship with Michael Sheen.

    Mind you all this took place more than a year AFTER her break from the biz so the timing on this garbage isn't even close to being accurate. Whoever cooked this one up didn't even go to the trouble to get their dates to match.

    Oh and neither of her siblings have a baby though they are both married.

  28. I just can't see someone in their thirties hiding a child unless the father is very married or something. Seems strange. She has dated non-hollywood types though, so it could be with someone we do not know.

  29. Hope it isn't Guy Ritchie if true!!

  30. Penelope 22:01 AM

    Why would she hide it? Why not just have your baby? This really dims her light for me if she gave her kid away for someone else to raise.

  31. Allie4:19 AM

    Rachel does deserve better. She's my fav actress and I loved Morning Glory. I always hoped she and her co star, Patrick Wilson would be a great pair. Amazing chemistry as well. Hmmmm. He's married to some over bearing fat actress.

  32. check her paparazzi photos from 2006/2007

  33. Scallywag4:12 PM

    Ah, you mean the one who shut down the bitchiness over his Girls episode by outing herself as a size 10?

  34. laversion10:13 AM

    @zerO, do you have any links?

    I love her; I find this story intriguing.

  35. Not to mention she was photographed quite frequently during that 2 years. Think someone posted links on the original blind. Not sure if it's still up.

  36. KimboSlice10:51 AM

    Not being one of those people that believes celebrities are angels doesn't excuse being one of those people that believes every rumour js

  37. Pap shots/candids between 2006-2008 and more after 2008. Not of which show her pregnant ironically.

  38. KitchNo1:50 PM

    JustJared has a few and there are fan pics with Gosling in which she heavily features in 2006. She also worked on Marriage Life with Pierce Brisman etc. that year. None of the pics feature a baby bump. Although 2013 w/ Michael Sheen on the subway looks suspicious. Other than Gosling that's the most favorited/long term relationship she had. They also seem to be pretty good friends too. Then again this site has been known to post bogus rumours. It's in the disclaimer to which I didn't read until just now. I guess it's fun speculating though.

  39. BeRight2:06 PM

    Click the date of this "blind". It will take you to the original post. Look for my name. I left some links previously.

  40. The weirdest thing about the Rachel McAdams rumors are that she & her publicist want us to believe she took two years off in 2006-2007, when she didn't; she shot three movies during that time.

    Another thing is that she has unflattering fashion sense & her lack of boobs frequently gives the illusion of her being thick through the middle.

    Unless it happened much longer ago or more recently than would make any sense, March/April 2007 or June/July 2008 are the only times she was out of sight long enough to have gone from questionably-puffy-&-unflatteringly-dressed to big-enough-to-have-an-adoptable-baby.

    Behold the timeline:

    March-May 2004 - Wedding Crashers shoot
    June-July 2004 - The Notebook premieres & press
    Aug. 2004 - n/a
    Sept. 2004 - paparazzi photos
    Oct. 2004 - n/a
    Nov. 2004 - Jan., 2005 - Red Eye shoot
    Feb.-March 2005 - The Family Stone shoot
    April 2005 - LA Times photo shoot
    May, 2005 - n/a
    June-Dec. 2005 - press & premieres for for Wedding Crashers, Red Eye, TIFF, The Family Stone; Walks out of surprise nude Vanity Fair shoot & fires publicist; skinny, looks coked out
    Jan. 2006 - n/a
    Feb. 2006 - Oscars & Vagina Monologues; thin
    March-April 2006 - n/a
    May-June 2006 - paparazzi photos; definitely not 7 months pregnant
    July 2006 - n/a
    Aug. 2006 - paparazzi photos in Toronto; fresh dye job & culottes...
    Sept. 2006 - n/a
    Oct.-Dec. 2006 - Married Life shoot; appearance with Gosling & Al Gore & the first appearance of the pink hair
    Jan. 2007 - appearances with her sister & Gosling; pink hair continues, always wearing waistless A-lines &/or black
    Feb. 2007 - no photos, she & Gosling split
    March 2007 - starts army bootcamp for Lucky Ones
    April 2007 - Live Earth shoot; Time Traveler's Wife cast announced
    May-June 2007 - Lucky Ones shoot
    July-Aug. 2007 - paparazzi photos in Toronto; looking hippier than she has before
    Sept.-Dec. 2007 - Time Traveler's Wife shoot, her character is basically pregnant throughout the entire film
    Jan.-April 2008 - State of Play shoot, her character wears what looks like a maternity shirt throughout the entire film; paparazzi photos during this time have her in very baggy clothes in LA & Toronto
    May 2008 - n/a
    June 2008 - designated driver to pick up sister from wedding, no photos
    July-Aug. 2008 - baggy clothes in paparazzi photos; repeatedly w/ Gosling
    Sept. 2008 - Time Traveler's Wife reshoots; TIFF appearances; Lucky One's premiere & press
    Oct. 2008 - n/a
    Nov. 2008 - Feb. 2009 - Sherlock Holmes shoot
    March 2009 - paparazzi photos with Lucas; State of Play press
    April-June 2009 - Morning Glory shoot
    July-Sept. 2009 - Time Traveler's Wife press & premieres
    Oct. 2009 - paparazzi photos
    Dec. 2009 - Sherlock press & premieres; pap photos w/ Ben Jackson

  41. Cupcakes4all4:31 AM

    I am grown and will believe WTH I want..JS

    folks acting like celebs cannot do not so savory things, yeah--Hollywood is heaven like. LOL
