Sunday, January 03, 2016

Old Hollywood Blind Item #6 - Mr. X

This former A+ list mostly movie actor was blackmailed by his wife during their divorce. She told him she would release recordings of him admitting to be gay which would have ruined his career. She told him homosexuality was a sin and that he could change whenever he wanted. Considering she wanted his money so she could live with her female lover, that seems hypocritical.


  1. Tricia1311:47 PM

    Errol Flynn and Nora Eddington or Lila Damita

  2. Tricia1311:49 PM

    Or Brando Anna Kashfi(who was bi sexual)- but don't think Brando liked women as well

  3. Kno Won Uno11:52 PM

    Rock Hudson/Dyan Cannon.

  4. MontanaMarriott11:56 PM

    Rock Hudson/Phyllis Gates?

  5. Cinabun12:08 AM

    From what I read in Brando's bio he said his issues w/ women were b/c he had a nanny from age 3 who he adored (& slept naked w/) who left to marry but said she would return & didn't so he spent the rest of his life looking for her. Fwiw :)

  6. Kno Won Uno12:08 AM

    Why did I type Rock Hudson when I meant Cary Grant?! I hate when my brain and fingers aren't synchronized.

  7. Kno Won Uno12:09 AM

    You got it!

  8. LITTooth12:10 AM

    Cary Grant and Dyan Cannon

  9. Tricia1312:12 AM

    Wow! Never read that, but it certainly explains some of his - less than wholesome- behaviour towards women. Thx for info:)

  10. Cinabun12:23 AM

    Not too hard to find online. He was def different but the stuff abt his son Christian who did x for killing his sister Cheyenne's fiance ( she was schizophrenic) def sad. Think it broke Brando. I recommend if you like him. :)

  11. Cindy Who?3:22 AM

    Rock Hudson and Phyllis Gates

  12. You got it. Funny though, he was forced to marry her by the studio, and she was picked because she was also gay (though she liked to pretend she wasn't). Goes to show that the studio cover up system wasn't always perfect. I'm surprised she didn't end up having an accident when she pulled that stunt.
