Saturday, February 06, 2016

Blind Item #1

This foreign born A list dual threat actor is the next generation. Maybe that is why old friends of his wife in that church have rekindled their friendships with her to the point where they are her only friends. The next step is the actor which would be a huge "get."


  1. Derek Harvey1:01 AM

    benedict cumberbatch

  2. Derek Harvey1:01 AM


  3. Kno Won Uno1:07 AM

    I mentally write off people who believe in alien deities. I'll have to delete the 54 hours of Arthur Conan Doyle audiobooks with him as the reader. Stupidity detracts from the story. Ick.

  4. Derek Harvey1:09 AM

    Hold on --Not so FAST
    Could be Jamie Dornan (please tell me you don't have 50 Shades on Audio)

    Either way it is fan fiction sent in as a blind

  5. French girl1:09 AM

    Cucumber's wife is scientologist ?

  6. Derek Harvey1:15 AM

    I don't think so but as I said ---fans of either Cumberbatch or Dornan send in fake blinds to enty and brag about it because they are jealous of their wives---silly, I know...

  7. Cookie1:16 AM

    If my sig other was remotely interested in this crap I would have to question our relationship. Especially in hollywood where they take ur money and vet the hell out of u.

  8. Don't know what is worse crazy fans that don't live in reality or this site that writes whatever "tips" these fan's submit. Don't know whats going on but it's mind boggling anyone can submit a tip and Enty writes about it. It's pretty pathetic if you ask me!

  9. Run, Sherlock, run!

  10. French girl1:49 AM

    The commentaries are deleted ??

  11. Zilla12:56 AM

    If you think about it, most of the world believes in an invisible being in the sky who no one has ever seen but they believe He/She/It controls our destinies anyway.

  12. Pffttt..3:51 AM

    British actors don't have ties to Scientology. It has nothing to do with aliens. They view church as old-school. To them, scientology is a cult. Common. Vulgar. VERY low-classy...

  13. Kno Won Uno3:57 AM

    Fret not, dear heart - I wouldn't have 50 Shades printed on toilet paper.

  14. Kno Won Uno3:57 AM

    I don't.

  15. Kno Won Uno3:58 AM

    Balls. I forgot it was the weekend.

  16. Cinabun4:03 AM

    But in Scientology *you* are God. Frankly don't know which one is scarier.

  17. Cinabun4:06 AM

    + infinity
    Would never have a relationship w/ someone who believes in xenu. Waaay too far out there.
    And that they charge you to become a God just makes it worse.
    Morton's book on Cruise is decent for info about why he's so wacky.
    *cue twilight zone theme*
    Do do do do....

  18. Tricia134:14 AM

    Eddy Redymayne/Hannah Bagshawe
    His singing/acting make an actual double threat-or triple - he dances I think- anyway Enty would be right for once about the term lol. Hannah has no known affiliation w/Scio that I can see but one never knows(though I agree with Pffft s assertions about the English and the cult.

  19. Erin C4:58 AM

    I agree Eddy R for this because he has been termed the most talented actor of his generation and he is still reasonably young enough to be "the next". Cumberbatch is 40- he's not the next but still talented . Dornam is young ish enough it lacks the needed talent and is obviousely not a double threat- he's not even a single threat Enty!

  20. TopperMadison6:31 AM

    I'm starting to think that Scientology is where all the big deals are brokered. You know, like in "The Player":

    Larry Levy: I'll be there right after my AA meeting.

    Griffin Mill: Oh Larry, I didn't realize you had a drinking problem.

    Larry Levy: Well I don't really, but that's where all the deals are being made these days.

  21. @zilla - No, that's not the Judeo/Christian definition or philosophy of the Supreme Being. We have free will, and control our own destiny - we CHOOSE to place our faith in God. God doesn't make us do anything.

  22. Toasty8:49 AM

    Cumberbatch and Hunter. It's well known that several of Hunter's associates are involved with that church.

  23. Toasty8:50 AM

    Some of her friends are.

  24. Hot Cola9:10 AM

    Eddie R.

  25. Hot Cola9:12 AM

    Eddie R. Went to the same class as Prince William. That would be a "Huge get" and acsess to one degree closer to Real movers& shakers.

  26. Lisa G11:06 AM

    I didn't know that about ER! That is so cool. Would the church be related to it?

  27. back again3:52 PM

    yeah,there are some school pictures with them & some other guys floating around..pretty kool.

  28. back again3:53 PM


  29. zzzzz6:10 PM

    Cumberbatch is Buddhist. So it is more likely to be adherent of Kabbalah than of Scientology.
    Is the next generation? To him this year 40 years old, he's old.

  30. charcoal7:30 PM

    His wife lived in NY with other BF until two weeks before she announced the engagement on The TIMES. BF didn't know the engagement until the announcement.

  31. Kabbalah has nothing to do with Buddhism. Do your research.

  32. Claire9:46 AM

    No. In Scientology you are a thetan, not a god. There is no god in Scientology.

  33. Cinabun10:28 AM

    True. But the definition of 'thetan' from LRH is "the source of life and life itself." So it is not suprising to me that when a person gets to upper levels they ate led to believe they can & should control everything.

  34. Chee Chalker9:18 PM

    Yes, but most don't go into bankruptcy in order to keep their 5'1 leader in John Lobb shoes.
    If this is BC, I'll never watch Sherlock again...

  35. Chee Chalker9:21 PM

    Scientology wants you to think that. Truth is, they have a stable of B and C list actors. Cruise and Travolta only ones left who could be considered A list.
    And that won't be for long.....aging weirdos is what they are

  36. Chuchu9:58 AM

    Next generation may be a reference to Patrick Stewart and his wife.

  37. LuckyLondon11:43 AM

    Was Benedict Cumberbatch in the Star Trek movie? One of those series is called The Next Generation... I think I recall from way back. I don't know anything about his wife. I thought of him immediately from The Next Generation clue and entry always describes him as a dual threat.
