Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Blind Item #4

She is 18, so its legal, but it is so creepy that this A- list mostly television actor who is starring in a network reboot right now has a girlfriend who he picks up from school sometimes. High school. He has a kid in high school. Not the same one thankfully.


  1. Derek Harvey11:30 PM

    john stamos

  2. Derek Harvey11:33 PM

    david duchovony

  3. Derek Harvey11:34 PM

    no teenagers---or kids I think nvmnd

  4. Tricia1311:39 PM

    Bob Saget

  5. Tricia1311:43 PM

    Has 3grks...1 is 28/ 1 is 22/ and the other 17 or so?

  6. Derek Harvey11:43 PM

    plus full house in not going to be on a network---so it is not a "network" reboot

  7. Kno Won Uno11:43 PM

    +1 16 year old daughter

  8. Snookiemonster11:43 PM

    He can double-date with Cavill.

  9. Derek Harvey11:43 PM

    Saget A-list? NO.

  10. Kno Won Uno11:44 PM

    All in their 20s

  11. Duchovny will love the prom!

  12. TopperMadison1:15 AM

    Where is this girl's parents??

  13. David "Duchy" Duchovny. Network reboot is The X-Files.

    I want to believe.

    Anyway, what is it with actors these days, dating/fucking college students or 18-pluses? Has Hollywood run out of Botox and thus they will have to find another source for their "invigorating youth"?

  14. HH3142:01 AM

    Counting the cash

  15. Derek's Anal Beads3:31 AM

    Neither is your small dick.

  16. nasty baby4:32 AM


    Cavill is gay. Every woman he's been with is a beard, including his longterm brunette girlfriend. Dating a young teen female...better for people to think you're a pig than that you like banging dudes. at least thats probably what his team can agree on.

  17. nasty baby4:35 AM

    any man anywhere would choose to bang a hot woman under 25 if they could. more rules than exceptions in that. as long as they are legal, a guy would most likely like it.

    men are only as faithful as their options, and if you are famous in a way like duchovny, your options are almost endless, if not just bc people know who you are and you become a story to tell their friends.

    if you are a normal dude who is faithful, then you've picked your best option, and the one that would choose you to leave the option either isnt around or never will be.

  18. +1 and yes, that is creepy AF.

  19. Hot Cola7:11 AM

    Ha! @nasty you made me LOL
    Bless ur heart

  20. Unemployable9:48 AM

    Its not Duchovny's fault. He suffers from sex addiction. If he doesn't get sex from teenage girls several times a day then he goes into withdrawal.
    I googled the withdrawal symptoms for sex addiction and they include:
    1. Being really horny all the time.
    2. Walking around with an embarrassing erection all day long.
    3. tennis elbow.
    You can spot someone with sex addiction because they usually:
    1. Own a 2nd computer which always seems to have malware issues.
    2. Carry a single tube sock around with them everywhere they go.
    3. Must inform new neighbors whenever they change addresses.
    I hope this information helps to spread awareness of this terrible affliction which strikes at societies most innocent and vulnerable.

  21. Malibuborebee9:59 AM


    Very funny, @Unemployable, and your avatar always cracks me up.

  22. Lavert11:06 AM

    Nasty and Unemployable just proved that it is possible to be snarky without being ignorant.
    Take notice, One Big Ass Hat Rick.

  23. Unemployable11:02 PM

    Who let this common, garden-variety, shit-disturber in here?

  24. Snarknado1:45 AM

    Yeah, I want to know that too. Shit disturber is my turf.

  25. Gemma9:12 AM

    BTW, it was revealed some time ago that David "Douche" Duchovny's addiction is internet porn. So he's basically just jerk off machine and not that into actual fucking.
