Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Blind Item #5

This former A list mostly television actor who is probably B list acting wise but has A list name recognition because of that long long running hit network show had an intervention over the weekend. Friends and family and former co-stars all tried to convince the actor he needs rehab again. He blew them off.


  1. Tricia1311:45 PM

    Matt Perry

  2. Derek Harvey11:45 PM

    matt perry

  3. Snookiemonster11:46 PM

    Chandler Bing

  4. Could it be because the gossip sites are talking about how Matt looks?

  5. parissucksliterally12:19 AM

    I don't think this is Matthew Perry. When he needed rehab last time he was super skinny. He is not underweight now. Plus, Blind Gossip said the same. That he is fine and sober now. The clues are his weight, when he is using.

  6. just4fun12:22 AM

    Probably Chanandler Bong but I'll throw Kelsey Grammer out there

  7. Actually, it's Miss Chanandler Bong!

  8. French girl1:28 AM

    Kiefer Sutherland

  9. Cindy1:40 AM


  10. SkittleKitty2:03 AM

    Unless they all flew to the UK, Matthew Perry wouldn't seem to fit. He's been awfully busy with his new play to also be relapsing, but perhaps addicts in the throws of it are more functional than I imagine.

  11. Wendy3:40 AM

    Not Matthew Perry. This blind is based off the gossip sites seeing him talking to himself....when that's just how he rehearses his lines. If he was on drugs he'd be really skinny like he was when he filmed Friends.

    So if this is supposed to be Matthew Perry it just shows us that these new "enty's" just go off whats on the gossip sites.

  12. Cinabun4:42 AM

    John Stamos

  13. nancer5:32 AM

    bingo, i think. stamos.

  14. I personally don't buy the he is only skinny when he is using excuse.
    That could be something put out by his PR people to push people off the scent. His appearance on Graham Norton was awful odd. Perhaps, being incredibly skinny is true when he is using pills or crack or drugs. However, even Matthew Perry has admitted he was drinking a quart of vodka regularly even during the fat Chandler period. It could be he needs rehab for booze and not for pills. And he has admitted he was an alcoholic through most of the filming of Friends, so he has already shown that he can be functional and do reasonably decent work while drinking heavily every night. I don't believe all his family and friends flew to London, but a few people could, especially under the ruse (or with the purpose also) of seeing the play.

  15. Wendy7:18 AM

    Good point, it could be booze. I just don't think it's pills like it was when he was on Friends.

  16. It would not be the first time that enty posts something that is completely the opposite of what BG/Ace/others have written and visa versa of course.

  17. Anti5ocial10:44 AM

    No doubt this is Matthew Perry and NO DOUBT that this is BS.

  18. I was talking about this;

  19. Morley6:02 PM

    D. Duchovny?
