Friday, February 19, 2016

Blind Item #7

To counter all those cheating rumors and to try and give him a fait accompli, this former A list tweener turned B+ list performance art singer has been leaking stories to the tabloids that she got married to her foreign born actor boyfriend. Not a chance.


  1. Derek Harvey12:30 AM

    and liam


    Uh. We are talking about Life & Style here.

  3. remarkablejones12:59 AM

    you can tell liam isnt as into her as she is into him. aint gonna work girl if strangers can see that.

  4. Kno Won Uno1:14 AM

    I read this in the DM yesterday with names.

  5. Kno Won Uno1:19 AM

    I detect a pattern in the comments - anyone else?

  6. And-so-on..1:40 AM

    You can move next door with yer twerk, dope, strange friends and tons of critters but you and your crazy family stay out of my fridge country girl..Never will you see a country girl waiting to find someone who will take care of her., she tracks them down.

  7. People brain damaged from ecstasy are all desperate show, but feelings are largely absent. I've seen mothers who couldn't hold their children. People who really abuse that have nothing to give.

  8. Snarknado1:54 AM

    I asked Trisha earlier what she thought about this rumor, and boom, here's this blind. If someone is actually reading our comments and then flying to the keyboard, why haven't they done anything about the new kid on the block?

  9. Kno Won Uno1:56 AM

    It's odd how some commenters don't seem to appear together.

  10. LIE LIE4:48 AM

    Trisha is ENTY people! You seriously haven't figured that out??? Come on!

  11. Snarknado5:14 AM

    And how some commenters that haven't been heard from for a loooong time are popping by. Don't know if it's connected....but if it is a regular commenter, or semi-regular, s/he is deteriorating rapidly.

    If it is a newbee, s/he uses much of the same mockery that's been on this site for a while. Take out the curse words, and a lot of it is the same as we've seen before from certain cretins, over and over and over again.

    We need Super Meemaw to come back, lol. Send out the Early Bird Special signal!

  12. Snarknado5:18 AM

    PS, I didn't expect this level of fuckery by anyone until closer to the presidential election.

  13. Hot Cola8:06 AM

    What's a "fait accomplished"? This Entran speaks French now? If his so "refined" than can he give us better grammer, ratings & punctuation, pls?

  14. Some Cdn Girl2:33 PM

    There are people replying on this site that seem to be pretty negative towards Enty, and the posts on this site. If you don't like the postings here, why not just find something else to do with your time?
    Seems like a simple enough concept. No?

  15. ItsaBeautifulLife9:57 PM

    Unless it's the before & after* TriciaEnty that can't be true.

    One has bad grammar & is scared of punctuation. And the other one types in a scrambled mess & has an over abundance of punctuation.

    *Before & adfter chugging down their box of cheap wine

  16. ItsaBeautifulLife9:58 PM

