Sunday, February 21, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #1

November 23, 2015

Another night, another drunken mess for this former A+ list mostly movie actress who is now A- and dropping. Her name is all that is saving her right now. Maybe she is drinking to deal with her marriage. Who knows, but she is a mess.

Cameron Diaz


  1. Unemployable12:26 AM

    I remember reading somewhere that she was the inspiration for Anna Ferris' character in Lost in Translation. But then that character seemed to be a collage of just about every actress who got famous in the nineties.

  2. dazzle12:46 AM

    It's a shame that all the money in the world can't get you good counseling.

  3. Derek Harvey12:48 AM

    It was Cameron. The director, Sofia Coppola, was married to Spike Jonze around the time and Cameron was always trying to bed him. I like some of her movies (In Her Shoes, Vanilla Sky, Sweetest Thing) but she seems like a dumb bitch. Look at her corny husband--WOW,how the mighty have FALLEN

  4. Tricia1312:58 AM

    @unemployable I read that same thing here. Then I watched the movie again and I definitely see the - inspiration, well say. It wasn't an insult imo, but maybe not the deepest of characters either

  5. Derek Harvey1:04 AM

    Notice the only person "Keanu" is cordial with is Tricia?? yuck--talk about basic

  6. Unemployable1:11 AM

    Again with the brain donor, huh? I remember reading about the crack-baby epidemic of the 80's and thinking, " These kids are going to cause trouble when they get older.'

  7. Unemployable1:20 AM

    Watch out, Derek! He's the one! I think he knows kung-fu.

  8. Unemployable1:34 AM

    Forgot to change your avatar back, zika-baby.

  9. Unemployable1:37 AM

    Who is the one with multiple accounts, again? Remind me please.

    obR: Dumbass accuses others of own lame tactics. Says it's OK for Rick to be a hypocrite just not anyone else.

  10. Unemployable1:51 AM

    Why so angry, Rick? Be excellent to each other.

  11. Snarknado2:19 AM

    Unfortunately, "it" dragged her before you posted.

  12. Just sayin'3:03 AM

    The only basic one in most scenarios is always you Derek by constantly trying to insult people who don't give into your BS and ignore you. Also, I guess in your obnoxious world which seems to lack any etiquette calling someone shit for brains is cordial, but not most people's smh.

  13. Bingo4:07 AM

    You got it dude.

  14. Yes, Big Rick is angry and severely traumatized but itsy teeny binky boo has nothing else to do, so it be here.

    BTW Unemployable, my favorite comment yesterday was yours about BigRickTinyDick drawing a wig on his hand. That's one for the ages.

  15. What do you call what you are doing imbecile on steroids?

  16. Kno Won Uno4:36 AM

    Ooh, nice one! I hadn't seen that used yet.

  17. Unemployable4:44 AM

    It's been a fun weekend!

  18. Derek's Anal Beads5:28 AM

    Either someone is very very jealous, or someone really isn't paying attention and is Rick after all just trying to get people to jump on his bandwagon. I mean, you and Rick both do have tiny dicks.... Well, you don't have one obviously.

  19. Hot Cola6:08 AM

    Yeah, at some point she was one of the hottest woman in the world. WTF?!

  20. Hot Cola6:10 AM

    +1000 @H2O & Unemployable

  21. nameless7:42 AM

    she has not aged well at alllllllll

    its too bad cause omg, in The Mask.......damn she was stunning.

  22. Snarknado8:30 AM

    Rick just shat himself!

  23. Snarknado8:31 AM

    I can't stop laughing!

  24. Malibuborebeee5:03 AM

    She was a junkie for years and may still be one. They tend to fall pretty far, pretty fast. I don't know what the deal is with that nasty husband. So weird.

    Oh well, I never did like Cam Diaz anyway.
