Monday, February 22, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #1

May 8, 2015

Strangest story I have heard in months. This rapper/poet/actor who always seems to be changing his name also started a new religion. He is married, but apparently to become a member of his flock you have to sleep with him first so he can rid you of your demons. Yeah, I liked him better when he was making movies.

Mos Def


  1. Kno Won Uno12:28 AM

    He's Muslim. What church? I can't find anything on this.

  2. Whywhywhy12:38 AM

    Yeah, I thought he was now called Yasiin Bey and was doing the polygamy thing with a bunch of dumb women. Seems to be still acting but I thought was not allowed back in US due to his "homemade" passport citing he is citizen of world and apparently not affiliated with any country. Okay Mos'...

  3. sandybrook1:17 AM

    crack is wack

  4. PoniTayl1:25 AM

    One would have to assume the rule applies to males as well...

  5. Unemployable1:27 AM

    I tried that line on a girl once. I ended up ridding myself of my own demons that night.

  6. I tried that one time a long, long time ago and it blew up in my face.
    I would approached women; 'Hey, if you have sex with me, it will make you enlightened..."
    They all laughed in my face.
    So, why does that work with some guys and not me?
    Oh, that's right! He's famous -- and the woman think they will get famous, too, by having sex with him.

  7. Sylvie2:06 AM

    No one on this site is old enough to remember a similar guru in NYC back in the 80s who was a blond WASP prince who started his own religion/church. All his 'parishioners' were rich, white and well-connected via their parents. His MO at the time was to convince these church members to invest in expensive gems through a 'trusted' friend who owned the jewelry store. He told them that each gem (Emerald, Ruby, Diamond, Sapphire, etc) would protect them from a specific illness or demon. They spent hundreds of thousands of their parents money on these gems. He, too, told them that in order to be totally cleansed from their sins they would have to have sex with him. No problem. He was gorgeous. Over time the orgies started where all the church members had sex with each other. In front of the guru. They were devoted to him. Then, one by one, the men/women tested positive for HIV. He never told them he and his partner (man) had AIDS. Many died. Families sued in private. I think he, too, eventually died from complications of AIDS. People have short memories. It happens over and over and over....

  8. Cinabun2:18 AM

    I do *not* understand having sex w/ someone on the basis of fame/$s.
    I get it if the person's attractive to you or smart or funny or whatever flips your switch. But just for $s or fame? Blech.
    These girls should just find a madam & get paid. They give prostitution, let alone females, a bad rap.

  9. Cinabun2:21 AM

    Hope the families got some $s. That he gave ppl AIDS/HIV makes it even worse. Very sad

  10. Cinabun2:23 AM

    Didn't work though, huh?
    Had to do it. *mwah*

  11. Derek's Thong2:26 AM


  12. Dutch3:12 AM

    How can the women be so stupid as to fall for this?!

  13. Malibuborebeee3:32 AM

    I'm sorry to hear about this. I liked Mos Def as an actor. Oh well, another day another scumbag doing his thang.

  14. Sylvia3:40 AM

    Who was he?

  15. Malibuborebeee3:42 AM

    You're talking about Frederick Von Mierers and the Church of Eternal Values (or some name that). He was an avid social climber who sold his "parishioners" cheap stones at hugely inflated prices. It was an elaborate con game but it's no surprise that people fell for it.

    Most people are stupid and they believe what they want to believe, despite any evidence to the contrary or common sense.

  16. So true @Cinabun!

  17. Sylvie9:18 AM

    Indeed! Now do you remember which guru used to say THAT?! C. Z. Knight as Ramtha! Weren't the 80s cool as hell with all the 'entities' floating around the New Age conference circuits? The Runes, the crystals, the Enya music, harp music, sounds of Dolphins and rain forrests! BRING THEM BACK DAMNIT!
