Monday, February 15, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #4

August 10, 2015

This part-time Housewife from the southeast is still hoping to cash in on a sex tape to get herself out of a huge financial hole but in the meantime has started charging guys by the night to spend time with her. Previously she was looking for something more long term.

Porsha Williams


  1. Kno Won Uno12:50 AM

    Only Oprah can get away with an incorrectly spelled name.

  2. Derek Harvey1:00 AM

    How much money does this idiot need? She comes from an extremely rich and influential family--that would ruin their good name (not that she hasn't already)

  3. And-so-on..1:09 AM

    Oh boo hoo, her hopes of nabbing super creative genius rich Kanye when Kim dumps him are over...

  4. sandybrook1:22 AM

    I saw Mimi Hurst's and that skank from NJ's video--don't need anymore, except possibly Hohanna Krupa.

  5. Derek Harvey3:32 AM

    Even "Underground Railroad" dumb Porsha is too smart for Kanye. Kanye tweeted something about giving money to the "country" of Africa...grrr I HATE him..

  6. Snarknado5:01 AM

    I wish Enty would give us the pleasure of a Your Turn about Kanye's recent twitter rants. Wanting Zuckerberg of Facebook to give him a billion dollars, dragging the rich about opening schools in Africa instead of giving him the money, saying he's the modern Walt Disney. That he won't show up for the Grammys unless LIfe of Pedro is guaranteed to be album of the year, that he will have a hundred Grammys in his lifetime (He has 2).

    What is wrong with the kartrashians that no one thinks he needs to be 5150'd, like Britney?

  7. Derek Harvey5:12 AM

    He makes Amanda Byne's twitter rants seem reasonable...And what is his obsession with Taylor Swift? Like let it go-she has. He needs to take a close look at the career of his idol, Beyonce. She can portray messages and "art" without begging for attention and is very successful at it...

  8. Pirate Booty's Mother6:08 AM

    Taylor is the exact opposite of messy Kimmy. Kim doesn't fit into his clothing line, but Taylor would, lol.

    Maybe Kanye had a moment of blinding clarity, saw what was around him, and went mad.

    Did you see the Channing Tatum Lip Sync episode where Beyonce came on stage as he was doing "Who Run The World"? We were bouncing on the sofa screaming--she was like a goddess! She certainly has "IT". And we're not even Bey-hivers!

  9. Kibble6:39 AM

    "Life of Pedro" is brilliant! @Snarknado. It would be so awesome if this were the real title and Kimmocks was all "Vote for Pedro" at the Grammys.

  10. Studio549:24 AM

    The unmentionable BROKE rapper's songwriting partner just LEFT, saying he needs help "spiritual AND mental." This was before that rapper outed his HUGE DEBT, which explains A LOT. Like the reasons to stay in the CLOSET, 50 million plus reasons.

  11. Studio549:28 AM

    Enty didn't spell her name incorrectly. That's how the BIMBO HO spells it. Thanks so much for this Enty! Another phony Christian HYPOCRITE who pimps herself out for $$$.

  12. Studio549:36 AM

    Also folks, Enty can't mention the unmentionables for this entire MONTH, because that's what YOU wanted, even though news is breaking all over about them. More than ever, the sex tape unmentionable is SADDLED with the BIGGEST LOSER OF THEM ALL, and all the girls have the WORST losers, even the youngest with her ALSO BROKE rapper. The unmentionable HONCHO of the BROTHEL keeps up appearances, at the BROKE rapper's hilarious "fashion" show, because she is trying harder than anyone to pretend he has money, which he DOES NOT.

  13. When crazy looks in the mirror does it sees crazy? That would be like one blind, delusional asshole leading another. They all belong in the nut house.

  14. Snarknado11:21 AM

    Holy Snark, I really thought is was Life of Pedro! Lol at myself!

    Can't stop laughing at your riff. too!

  15. Mrs.K1:44 AM

    I hate it when people refer to Africa as a country....
    Its a continent for heavens sake!!! It has 54 countries! And his 'ancestor's motherland' is most likely Nigeria not 'Africa'!
