Saturday, February 27, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #4

September 20, 2015

This B list mostly television actor from a fairly hit show who also moonlights in movies and a daily show actually took a phone call from his actress girlfriend while having sex with another woman. Well, undressed anyway and about to.

Fred Armisen


  1. I can't stand him. Good thing I don't have to!

  2. Unemployable12:52 AM

    Moonlighting isn't the only thing he does at the movies.

  3. Unemployable1:02 AM

    Whoops, I always confuse this guy with Fred Willard. To the best of my knowlege, Mr. Armison has not been arrested for waxing his bean in public, (yet.)

  4. Cinabun1:07 AM

    Does he know Mr. Herman? If so, he's a shoe-in some big adventures.
    That's waaay too punny.

  5. terrific1:44 AM

    people want to have sex with fred armisen?

    that guy's face, tho. he' of the ugliest actors I've ever seen.

  6. Kibblw2:10 AM

    Hat tip to @immabadbitch for getting this one.

  7. Chelzee Post2:41 AM

    This is a perfect example why men like him (unattractive, undesirable, untalented) have a pricey publicist. Pays them thousands a month to keep blind items like this floating around the ether. Of course no one believes them, but they're out there.

  8. selenakyle2:53 AM

    Ick. Nast.

  9. Malibuborebee2:59 AM

    Nobody wants to fuck that or nobody should want to fuck that, but I wouldn't call him totally untalented. He was funny on SNL and Portlandia.

  10. Yes he's totally into women.

  11. I always assumed he was paying them.

  12. Wow, from reading this blind I'm totally getting that Fred Armisen is a heterosexual desirable ladies man. Oh what a rascal, taking a phone call while having relations with another woman! These women they just can't help themselves when handsome heterosexual ladies man Fred walks in the room, and who can blame them!!

  13. Stacey11:47 AM

    Isn't he the guy who hates women and wants them all to die?

  14. June Gordon12:01 PM

    Have sex with him? I'd rather drink goat's blood.

  15. Morleys12:54 AM

    It is widely known that he's an asshole towards women. Elizabeth Moss was very vocal about their marriage and the way he treated her. There's a really long comment thread floating around with loads of women's shitty experiences with FA.

  16. Haywood Jablomee10:14 AM

    Morleys, Moss is a member of the L. Ron Hubbard flock. That's justification enough for me. As to the others?

  17. The Easter Punny1:11 PM

    They're a bunch of jerk-offs.
