Sunday, February 14, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #8

December 29, 2015

This is pretty messed up. This former A- list actress from television and movies who made a bad career move and ended up at B+ got back together for two minutes with her hound dog expression actor ex-boyfriend. Then, at a party she met this holiday A list singer and ended up hooking up with him despite meeting him while he was with his girlfriend. She then dumped the ex again.

Amanda Seyfried/Justin Long/Josh Groban/Kat Dennings


  1. lila fowler2:49 AM

    What a slag.

  2. NoWhining3:09 AM

    And Josh Groban's a saint? She didn't assault him.

  3. What was the movie that was a bad career choice? Honestly, I know who Amanda is...but can't seem to remember any of the movies where she was cast. Anyone know the scoop?

  4. lila fowler3:18 AM

    2 guys in 1 night = slag

  5. #Facts3:20 AM

    A key that opens a lot of locks is a masterkey

    A lock that's opened by lots of keys is a shitty lock.

  6. Snarknado3:20 AM

    Josh Groban, the ladies man of his generation, according to his PR team.

  7. Lurker3:21 AM

    She was on Veronica Mars. Looking at her career choices, there is a lot to pick from in the bad career choice category. "Le Mis", "Fathers and Daughters", "Pan", "Ted2"...

  8. Snarknado3:23 AM

    Maybe: A Million Ways to Die in the West, with Seth McFarlane.

  9. Frank3:25 AM

    Well maybe it's not true and made up? Her movie flop was Lovelace glue- a remake of a 70s flick. Anyway sounds like BS. Good job nailing it though Tricia 13 so quickly.

  10. AlmondJoy3:36 AM

    The Linda Lovelace movie. It tanked and her career seems to have gone pretty much south since then.

  11. Zilla13:44 AM

    "Lovelace," maybe?

  12. back again3:50 AM

    @ glue, " Lovelace" was the movie that hurt her career bigtime!

  13. back again3:54 AM

    Actually, Lovelace wasn't a remake of anything.It was a biography of Linda Lovelace.

  14. Groban would be perfect for a male version of Gone Girl, aptly titled Gone Guy and he can play Amy's character. Henceforth he shall be referred to as Adam Dunne.

  15. Single consenting adults.

  16. Guesser5:01 AM

    Again Josh Groban portrayed as a stud when in blinds past he was gay. Which is it?

  17. AtlLady5:42 AM

    Can we find a nice girl for Justin Long? His ladies stay with him, leave, come back, and leave again. Remember Drew Barrymore? I get the feeling he is a really nice, regular guy. Not real exciting but stable.

  18. Derek's Thong6:04 AM


  19. I also think it must have been the Linda Lovelace movie. Probably not so much for the fact that it tanked (though there was that) as it was so political.

  20. I don't feel too sorry for him. He could have probably almost any 20- or 30something woman he wanted as long as it wasn't a A list actress or model.

  21. Guidedog7:04 AM

    Josh Groban: Gay yesterday, Straight today. Ummmm - okay.

  22. oh. no.8:12 AM


  23. Hot Cola10:58 AM

    If your making a direct equivalent between woman (_human beings) & objects than your the dumbass here.

  24. Penelope 212:29 PM

    So she's a loser and Josh Groban is one too.

  25. I neither says nor reads that it was in the same night.

  26. #Facts12:39 PM

    I'm using it to reflect both the man and the woman, you moron. Learn to read. And spell.

  27. Chuchu8:23 PM

    I swear to god this site said that Kat was a beard for Josh.

  28. back again10:37 PM

    @Chuchu, it did...numerous times.

  29. Kno Won Uno11:09 PM

    I liked Barrymore & Long together - doesn't Enty hint her marriage is in trouble? Yes, I'm a terrible person for saying that.

  30. Derek Harvey11:17 PM

    I wonder why there are no posts today...

  31. Guesser11:26 PM

    Maybe he is on holiday schedule, it's Presidents Day in the USA.

  32. Derek Harvey11:27 PM

    oh, ok---Canada here--so no idea-thanks

  33. Enty is probably too drunk to post again.

  34. Kno Won Uno11:38 PM

    He hasn't been on Twitter for 12 hours - probably asleep, cuddling his bacon-stuffed pillow.

  35. Kno Won Uno11:40 PM

    Having never been president, I'm working. =\

  36. In the meantime; No matter the times this Blogger tells you that he was too busy to post the truth comes out eventually. He drank himself into a drunken stupor again while promising to parents that he will do something against his addiction to booze and bacon. But alas, it still control his life and soon he will have to go to rehab. Otherwise it is too late.

  37. Tricia131:00 AM


  38. Is it just me or does anyone else think it's hilarious every mother's wet dream Groban turned out to be a cheating manwhore? Kat seems pretty snuckered with him too.

  39. Kelly6:20 AM

    I believe the expression is "hang dog" not "hound dog". Unless I'm thinking of a different Justin Long.

  40. Colonial Musturd in Clu11:06 AM

    ha it is Moran, u got it rong!

  41. Hot Cola8:24 PM

    Sucky sucky, five dowwa!

  42. cool_one10:39 PM

    I think we should leave that joke in 1850's where it belongs

  43. Shityoucantbuy1:29 AM

    This might be a language barrier/different culture thing for me, but why are people in a relationship called single sometimes? As in 'not married'? To me Josh isn't single because he is in a exclusive relationship with Kat Dennings (ok, according to Kat probably, not to Josh, judging by this blind). I read that a lot, people saying 'oh, no big deal, they are not married'. Is that really a thing in the USA? To me (and in my country - The Netherlands) being in a relationship and being married is basically the same morally speaking, just without the official paperwork. When I think 'single' I think dating some people, one person or not dating at all.
    (Im not trying to be bitchy or anything, I've been wondering about this for a while and saw your comment and had to respond :)

  44. ItsaBeautifulLife11:03 PM

    I don't speak for everyone. This is just my personal opinion. I don't mean to offend anyone with different thinking than mine. I am just honestly answering your question since no one else has.

    For the most part here in the USA people who are in an exclusive relationship aren't considered "single". We're no different than the Netherlands in that regard. Here if you know someone has a partner whether it be a spouse, significant other, fiancée/ fiancé, or just steady BF/GF that means hands limits.

    However there are some that consider it a challenge, or have no moral compass & have no problem going after someone else's partner. While others were just brought up differently & that's the life they grew up in & they see this behavior as okay. In my opinion it is not.

    Then you have the ones who just say whatever they think makes them sound current, hip or politically correct in this crazy world.

    I'm sure some of the same ones thinking it's okay are also the ones who bitch, moan & groan about Gisele Bündchen coming between Tom Brady & Bridget Moynahan. Tom & Bridget weren't married, in fact they had allegedly broken up when she found out she was pregnant but Gisele was/is vilified for not ending her relationship with Tom. The "single consenting adults" label wasn't applied there.

    Liev Schreiber/Naomi Watts and Joshua Jackson/Diane Kruger are mentioned almost daily here with the men being called all sorts of names for allegedly cheating. I don't recall seeing the term "single consenting adults" used when discussing them here either, only what lying, cheating dogs Joshua & Liev are.

    The same holds true for Demi Lovato/
    Wilmer Valderrama. No one ever describes them as "single consenting adults". He's always labeled a cheating douche bag.

    Kristen Stewart/Robert Pattinson.....again no mention of "single consenting adults". Kristen has been called everything imaginable for cheating on Rob.

    So even though some find no problem with this behavior it isn't the considered the norm here either. That is why so many are quick to defend the wronged partner.

  45. Jo Ellen Lander8:34 PM

    Groban is not gay.... Sorry to burst your bubble!
    and the stories accumulated about his cheating were 'created ' by Gaby Dunn, a very vitriolic ex of his who used screen shots of his DMs out of context , without dates as "evidence" that he is a predator. She tells it that he took advantage of her because he was famous and she wasn't. She knew he was famous when she dated him, she had been around the block plenty herself she wasn't a teen virgin for Christ's sake. What exactly was he supposed to do about that.... Just date famous women?? How famous is famous?? After all Gaby is pretty famous herself.
    What was this "evidence"
    Eg He DMed "wanna be my girlfriend for a little while?" because he was not currently in a relationship and needed an escort to an event but didn't want to give the impression that he wanted to initiate a relationship. Dunn posted the screen shot to make out he was just fishing for casual sex.
    Another screen shot he is asking "shall we kiss?" And Dunn claims it is to another "friend" of hers when he is dating Kat. But the Avi pic against his DM was the one he used the year prior to his dating Kat.
    "Shall we kiss ?" is pretty tame sexting and , actually, rather sweet.
    She claims he told a 19 yr old girl he could get her onto his stage show but is unable to substantiate that he had sex with the girl in question. He has helped many young singers , male and female, by including them in his performances and his Charity Foundation "Find Your Light" is an Arts Ed. charity .
    Dunn was so vitriolic and "inventive" that Huffington Post intervened and took over managing her blog for them because her lies were becoming such an embarrassment. She and her pal had to bluff it out they she had decided to leave Huffington to save face.
    Kathy Griffin is supposed to be a friend of Groban's but she is having a sick poke at him on Kimmel. That is her twisted idea of humour.
    Not saying the guy is a saint... And if he DMs a girl or two to try and get a date.... Who the fuck doesn't?? Just don't believe every titillating tale you read on the www! Makes you either naive or just as nasty as they are!
