Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Today's Blind Items - Cheater Candidate

I get the sense that most politicians, male and female cheat on their significant others. They generally don't get caught unless their cheating involves hookers or future porn stars. If you are with someone who is selling themselves, chances are good they will sell information too. If you keep your cheating confined to staffers or lobbyists you don't usually get busted. Unless they do something stupid. This up and coming Presidential candidate did just that. He used a credit card from his political party to pay for trips for his mistress. For some reason he didn't think the names of the people on the airline tickets would ever be publicized. He was under the impression that only the actual charge for the ticket would ever be seen. So, when the news breaks about why the married politician was buying plane tickets for his mistress and shacking up with her in hotels he also charged to the political party, he is going to have a lot of explaining to do. Or maybe he won't. At this point, I think we would all be more surprised to find a politician who was not cheating. Still though, it is tough to do the whole family values thing when you are cheating. Oh, and did I mention that his mistress is a lobbyist and that he gave her organization very special treatment.


  1. Tricia132:11 AM

    Ted Cruz

  2. Tricia132:12 AM

    Or Rubio- family values big with both but Cruz more likely

  3. Derek Harvey2:13 AM

    Mark Rubio

  4. Tricia132:14 AM

  5. Derek Harvey2:14 AM

    maybe Ben Carson

  6. sandybrook2:14 AM

    Marco Rubio used a Republican Party credit card to charge $116,000 when he was the Speaker of the Florida Legislature between 2005-09. He explained the 2005 and 6 charges and paid them back. The rest?

  7. Derek Harvey2:16 AM

    Carson America ad 'Ben Carson on Faith and Family Values ...
    Jan 15, 2016 - [Music]. Carson: Family values are a key. You know I see these young people reminds me so much of my career as a pediatric ...

  8. sandybrook2:22 AM

  9. selenakyle2:25 AM

    Okaayyy, so we know it isn't Hillary...

    Please be Chump. Please be Chump. Please be Chump.

  10. al B Happy2:41 AM

    Hillary when she wears a strap on, she's a he.

  11. Rerun2:57 AM

    I think the "up and comer" label would denote Rubio.

  12. Eduardo Rafael Cruz

  13. Derek's Thong3:19 AM

    It's Bernie.

  14. Zilla13:26 AM

    Cruz. He doesn't seem too bright.

  15. Guidedog3:32 AM

    Rubio. He is pretty sloppy.

  16. Snarknado3:43 AM

    Hope it's Rubio. He's rumored to be the brokered convention choice. This would be another John Edwards.

  17. nancer3:49 AM

    i'm going with rubio, just because i detect actual testosterone there and he's young and attractive. he has a history of doing stupid shit.

    sounds like he may be as dumb as gary hart, who actually dared reporters to follow him when asked about another woman, and then got caught red-handed when they did just that. duh.

  18. And walks on the wild side?

  19. I so wish this was Trump.
    He is winning even though he invalidates/bullies just about anyone in his way.
    If it wasn't for Phil Ruffin, the non-gaming Trump Tower in Las Vegas would have been foreclosed upon.

  20. kpist4:11 AM

    Cruz is actually very intelligent: Princeton and Harvard as well as law clerk for Chief Justice Rehnquist, just to name a little.

  21. kpist4:12 AM

    That being said, this is Rubio

  22. Snarknado4:21 AM

    And is an "up and comer", Haven't heard Hillary get so many compliments in a while.

  23. Snarknado4:22 AM

    That makes him even scarier. He is smart enough to know better.

  24. Snarknado4:24 AM


  25. Me for real4:37 AM

  26. Scorpiotina4:37 AM

    I'm going to go with Rubio too. He's a youngish, good looking guy. Not too bright though.

    Ted Cruz seems like the type that would be into self flagellation after sex. "Forgive me for I have sinned" ugh *gag*

    Carson had prostate cancer several years ago so he probably can't even get it up.

    Might be John Kasich. He's the governor of my state and he's an ass. He's tried to ruin Ohio and wants to do the same thing to the country. His wife stays home and does laundry.

    OT: Melania Trump said in her interview with Mika that the first thing she noticed about The Donald was his mind. Sure. Seems legit. I'm sure it had nothing to do with his $$.

  27. Zilla15:14 AM

    Just to add, George W Bush was also Ivy league educated and holds an MBA. I'm not convinced that higher education guarantees innate smarts.

  28. 8====D KermitGosnellKnobjob5:17 AM

    Rubio is a faggot, and I think "mistress" refers to a female, therefore no.
    The bs would need tons of viagra to have it hard because in addition to his elderness, all his energy is wasted in his coke-fiend-like movements.
    The Chump would not charge the party if he is already paying all of his campaign.
    The cuckold female is not doing the family values, I hope, knowing she is still married to that satyr.

    I do not know about the others.

  29. Studio545:27 AM

    The sooner they out the " family values" hypocrite, the better, they see what Mr. "Family Values" is REALLY like. Because this guy can help confirm right wing "family values" justices that are anti-choice, anti-gay rights, etc.

  30. What does it matter to us if they're cheating on their wives. To paraphrase Chis Rock when commenting on the Bill Clinton debacle, "I was upset to find out he was also president of another country."

    If they're not running for Pres of Argentina or Italy, then it's okay.

    Not really, I just wanted to post my favorite joke about Clinton.

  31. Hayley6:04 AM

    I thought Rubio was supposed to be gay according to enty. That Valentine's reveal never did come, did it?

  32. +1 for Cruz

  33. ettacettera7:42 AM

    Yawn...I remember just a couple weeks ago there was a similar blind claiming that stuff would definitely go public over Valentine's weekend that would ruin some candidate...uh huh....

  34. TopperMadison9:06 AM

    Especially when it's Ivy League. I worked at one for seven years, and the students were either the brightest things on the planet, or the dumbest box of rocks in the universe (some of the legacies). I think W falls into the latter category.

    That being said, I do think he would be fun to invite to a Memorial Day backyard BBQ. Something tells me he really knows how to grill a steak.

  35. Rubio is hypersexual and likes both genders.

  36. Unemployable9:59 AM

    Agreed. Marco isn't too good with personal finances or credit cards.

  37. Cinabun10:01 AM

    And snort a line with his near beer...

  38. Cinabun10:02 AM

    But I doubt it...

  39. Scallywag11:38 AM

    Cruz is smart but is not as smart as HE thinks he is. And not smart enough to figure out how to be likable. Even in his debate clubs the "not Cruz" candidate would end up Debate Club President.

    And he's a bad liar. Lies about stuff easily refutable.

    He's not doing that well, but if Cruz starts accruing delegates look for any number of haters to roll out the dead girl/live boy scenario.

  40. Debbie Do (@debbiedonothing)12:18 PM

    I have no doubt he has a mistress or 2 or 3 but I don't see him using a party credit card to pay for anything. I think it's Rubio.

  41. ~~~♥♥Baby Doll♥♥~~~2:42 PM

    Mr Trump doesn't buy airline tickets, since he owns a 757, it is marco rubio, and she is a blonde sugar lobbyist.........

  42. I completely agree about the likability. I had to look that scenario up! I'd never heard anyone say that before. Thanks for teaching me something!

  43. LucidDreams11:45 PM

    I don't believe its anyone running right now. Usually these political blinds aren't true

  44. Obvious9:55 AM

    It's clearly Paul Ryan.
