Sunday, March 20, 2016

Blind Item #1

You have to give them bonus points for the sheer brilliance of the move. What better way to make it seem like a couple is dating than to have someone "hack" the vacation photos. The thing is though, even when they were pretending for the cameras, no one buys it. On either side. Both of them just need to be honest with themselves and others.


  1. Tricia132:00 AM

    Kendall/Harry styles

  2. Derek Harvey2:01 AM

    kendall jenner harry styles

  3. Tricia132:01 AM

    I think I saw that anyway?

  4. sandybrook2:11 AM

    I wonder why Kendull is afraid of coming out?

  5. The couple who ' did it right' was Taylor Swift and that DJ guy. That belly flop of Taylor's was a genius relationship sales move. Brains will tell.

  6. Zilla12:13 AM

    Everyone knows there is no such thing as an unplanned leak in Kris Jenner's world.

  7. Zilla12:16 AM

    There was a blind months ago saying that Kris was looking for a new storyline and thought it would be on trend if one if her younger daughters was a lesbian. So I'm not sure I really believe those rumors.

  8. The only people Kendall and Harry need to be honest with is themselves! Even if they are beards how's it anyone's concern, but their own. Sexuality is private and if people aren't comfortable or willing to put their's on blast we should respect that!

  9. Ms. Anne Thrope2:29 AM

    Not really a blind Enty. I was stuck waiting for someone whose transportation was delayed and in my boredom I clicked on the Twitter hashtag about this. Pretty much the entire 1D fan base was convinced this "leak" was the doing of PMK.

  10. mariaj3:12 AM

    They are not just hiding their sexuality, they are " kardashaning" their sex life, they are faking a relationship, they are fedding people bs, that is different.

    Noone ask them to be honest about what they really are in public, but i guess noone like to be lied and deceived, too.

  11. adorableboywholovesboys3:19 AM

    the cutest pictures i've seen sofar have been harry and his step-dad cuddling, and harry and jeff azoff cuddling next to kendall. he comes off as a harmlessly adorable boy who loves his mom, step-dad and friends. one who snarls adorably at the camera when pointed his direction. i'm sure kris isn't happy that this is what it looks like. but he's just adorable. i hope the intention of this 'hack' wasn't to paint him in a bad light...cuz that's not happening. did i mention adorable?

  12. how is this even a blind item? does entry even try anymore?

  13. While I agree in principle, in practice they beard to make more money. To be more marketable to a certain demographic. Otherwise, they'd likely be OUT. So please. Stop with the spin. And follow the money.

  14. Patrick6:15 AM

    Smart people know that when you lie, never make yourself blameless or faultless. Its unbelievable. Make yourself look a little guilty (or guilty of a far lesser offense), or a little goofy, so that the lie seems authentic.

  15. Derek's Anal Beads6:29 AM

    Ain't second a bitch like you?

  16. Dutch6:49 AM

    That's true. It was reported on two different web sites.....right before pimp mama Kris payed Cara to be friends with Kendull.

  17. There's other subtle image tweaking from Taylor. In TMZ she's in Omnia dancing with a black guy named Tooderic Hall to her DJ's boyfriend spinning. She frames his face with her hands and kisses his cheek. It appears to be a natural and even normal moment between friends.
    Pushing back against persistent racist claims. So well done.

  18. Snarknado2:50 PM

    If the day comes, Kris will leverage it into a million dollar Depends endorsement.

  19. Zilla13:32 PM

    Hahaha, SO TRUE!

  20. longtimereader4:05 AM

    The shocking thing is that the Kardashian has more talent the the boybander...

  21. The shocking thing is you wouldn't have even heard about the Kardashian if she hadn't have been selected to beard for Harry. She only started getting gigs after that.

    This whole PR Hendall is the most ridiculous, tedious bollox imaginable and completely transparent. Nobody buys it and the 'hack' has more holes than a swiss cheese. They all need to come out and stop messing around.

  22. What I'm getting from you is that it's fine for these folks to promote aggressive heterosexuality every day in the media (and thus making it everyone's concern by continuously bombarding us) but woe betide anyone that suggests these people should come clean and stop wasting their's and everyone else's time.

    Such double standard nonsense.

  23. Porky6:58 AM

    No, but it's pretty easy to write a 'member of 1D is using girls to beard/promo again this week' blind because that's all that 1D has pretty much done since day one anyways. It's never exactly been about their music, has it?

  24. Not really what I meant. All I was saying is for people to be themselves and peoples sexuality is their own business and not something we should be concerned with. I get the money part and why stars can't come out,because international markets. I'd rather buy my own spin that society will one day not discriminate against anybody and we all will live happily ever after.
