Sunday, March 27, 2016

Blind Item #3

I'm not a fan of this B+ list model wannabe talk show host/thirsty for fame/frequent social media poster. That being said, she did not deserve all the trashing she took at a party thrown in her honor. Apparently everyone, and by everyone, I mean this A+ list reality star kept talking smack about how the whole thing was cheap and tacky. Yeah, like all the f**king clothes and everything else in her life we are all subjected to on a daily basis that she thinks are so amazing because they come from that stupid f**k who blew all his money on a lame idea and has to bow down to the great and powerful Oz every five seconds.


  1. Derek Harvey2:31 AM

    chrissy teigen kim kardashian

  2. ellie2:45 AM

    I like Chrissy Teigan, I have no clue why. She's cute and bubbly and funny and her and John's marriage is adorable. She be "thirsty" for fame,but I'd much rather see her on a talk show than any Kardashian or washed out model like Tyra.

  3. Derek Harvey2:49 AM

    Hi Ellie! Happy Easter---I agree. At LEAST she HAS a personality and her and John Legend are a cute couple..

  4. muchlu2:51 AM

    wow Enty is angry at Easter.... I never believed they are actually friends.... I dont even like Chrissy, but I dont understand she needed to give a party and pose with the K klan.

  5. sandybrook2:54 AM

    Enty did you get rotten eggs at your egg hunt this morning? :(

  6. AllyK3:04 AM

    Chrissy Teigen's baby shower because she served McDonald's and Taco Bell.

  7. ellie3:14 AM

    Happy E to you, too! Yeah she def has personality. I'd hit that.

  8. jrkevprod3:16 AM

    Check out GMA's blurb on her shower and the photo booth pics included.
    Kimmie's RBF says it all. How terribly rude of her.

  9. I'd call that tacky too.

  10. Kibble3:32 AM

    1. That's some kind of ultra-powerful photo filter used for those shower pics.

    2. Kim is lost, far far up her own ass.

  11. kousincarl4:19 AM


    surprised you didnt know chrissy is legend's beard/surrogate, derek. youre usually on top of these things.

  12. That's what you get for inviting KK to your party so you can get a social media ready pic. You get called tacky, and ironically it's true since nothing is tackier than wanting a pic with the Kardashians.

  13. Kno Won Uno4:46 AM

    About that absurd baby shower? I agree.

  14. Any dirt on legend and kuntywest? BTW, like picture of JL,CT,KW,and KKW having a breakfast at the chip pancake joint. KKW and KW faces tell the truth.

  15. @ AC She DGAF, but this nightingale of husband is a long time bff of this napoleon diseased of husband.

  16. Gookie6:20 AM

    I would have thought he wouldn't be bowing down but on his knees.

  17. Malibuborebee6:28 AM


    Kim K has no business calling someone else tacky regardless of what kind of food is being served.

  18. jrkevprod6:32 AM

    1. They do full hair and makeup for these things, no?

    2. That is really, REALLY lost.

    Was she being forced to stay? Or was she just pissed that everything wasn't revolving around her? She could have made her excuses and left if she was so offended. Two kids at home are a guaranteed reason to get away with no repercussions. The junk food angle sounds unpretentious to me. It's not like any of them eat anyways.

  19. Zilla18:00 AM


  20. Chrissy had her baby shower the other day and the Kardashian's were there, they made up 85% of the guest list. She doesn't seem to have friends

  21. Kim seemed to only go to get attention, she interrupted a group photo to have guests be in her snapchat, she's really trying to catch up with Kylie

  22. Hot Cola2:05 PM


  23. Hot Cola2:06 PM

    Maybe he meant "blowing down" LoL,
    This is how i read it ;)

  24. Tapioca6:38 PM

    that's cheap as fuck and quite disgusting, at least they could have served home made food and not industrial crap like this eeeewww :O

    i'm ok with the ass tumor dwarf on that one but she's not the queen of England herself and very trashy most of the time too.

    also it's pretty common to think something nasty about people with obviously zero taste and consideration for the quality of the food they provided to the people they invited but it's another thing to vocalize it so loudly, she should shut her big mouth and learn some manners for once.

  25. He's probably just well aware of the bullshit we call Easter. What a stupid "holiday". All the Christian holidays were created to eclipse the Pagan ones. I'm still surprised they haven't come up with anything to sideswipe Halloween.

  26. Why are they saying Kim threw it she is talking smack about it.

  27. Snarknado12:26 PM

    They really really like candy.

  28. ellie8:50 PM

    Hahaha! Good point, it's part of the focus of easter & christmas. I'd rather get sandwiches for christmas than a bunch of tree shaped chocolates to be honest :P
