Thursday, March 10, 2016

Blind Item #4

This B+ list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner/nominee in an acting family has several scars along the tops of her thighs. Apparently she used to be a huge cutter. Judging by the scars, the used to was not that long ago.


  1. Derek Harvey11:30 PM

    kate hudson

  2. Tricia1311:31 PM

    Rooney Mara?

  3. Tricia1311:32 PM

    My guess her....nommed for Carol

  4. Hannah S11:36 PM

    +1 Rooney. That's why you never see her in anything short I bet. Long dresses only.

  5. Tricia1311:40 PM

    If the blind is "true", yes could be. She was nommed for GWTDT as well, she has some acting cred. at this point, I think.

  6. Elle B11:50 PM

    Abigail Breslin

  7. Not Hudson - she's always flaunting every part of her enviable anatomy.

    Rooney Mara is downright weird. I'll go with her.

  8. Dakota Johnson

  9. Hudson? oh no Sadie is right. im amazed we didn t see her pool naked photos yet..

  10. When I was hospitalized back in '92 for an accident, my roommate came in with both arms bandaged. Wondered what happened and asked her. She had cut herself all over her arms. Didn't understand it then, don't understand it now. What kind of anguish would you have to be in to mutilate yourself? Very sad whoever she is.

  11. Malibuborebee1:15 AM

    Interesting guess. I wouldn't be surprised if Dakota was a cutter.

  12. Cutting is a way for an abused child to take control of their bodies.

  13. Kibble1:44 AM

    Dakota doesn't have an Academy Award nom/win ... as far as I know.

  14. TopperMadison2:03 AM

    Isn't it due to alleviating emotional pain as well? My understanding is that the new, controlled pain helps blunt out the other, uncontrollable pain, but I could be wrong. I always thought it was sort of along the lines of this:

    Q: "How can women stand the pain of pinched toes from wearing high heeled shoes?"
    A: "We concentrate on how much our earrings are pinching our ears."

  15. Not necessarily. It's to offset depression. A form of transference. When the pain inside becomes too awful to bear. The pain outside caused from cutting sends endorphins which dulls the pain inside. And yes. It's very sad when someone uses self-mutilation to mitigate depression. Child abuse comes in many forms. Not only sexual.

    Dakota Johnson does a lot of modeling. With and without clothes. Those scars would be evident. And they are not.

  16. rerun2:46 AM

    +1. Seems almost too obvious.

  17. ettacettera2:50 AM

    Funny..My first thought was her mother, Melanie G

  18. I was thinking Patricia Arquette

  19. Debbie Do (@debbiedonothing)4:00 AM

    She was robbed! Robbed I tell ya! Her performance in 50 Shades was a master class in acting clueless.

  20. Rooney. The rumor was she was with Daniel Craig during GWTDT and he blindsided her/dumped/married Weiss. Hence why no sequel because she refuses to work with him. I could see her cutting to deal with it, especially if he was her first love.

  21. This rumor about Rooney and Daniel Craig is complete bullshit and makes no sense. If someone has fucked (even more) Rooney's head and is related to TGWTDT, this person is called David Fincher. He had her wrapped around his finger. But either way, the rumours about her being closeted are old and started around 2010/11. Coming from a traditional and notorious family, full of expectations like they are, mustn't be easy at all.
