Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Blind Item #6

It is too late in the schedule to delay the release of this sequel, but apparently the acting by this former A+ list tweener turned B+list mostly movie actor who spends a lot of time at the gym is really bad. As in timing and scenes are awful. Some scenes are having to be shot again while others are being replaced with different actors.


  1. MontanaMarriott1:01 AM

    Zac Effron

  2. MontanaMarriott1:02 AM

    Neighbors 2

  3. Kno Won Uno1:03 AM

    And who thought Efron could act? Whoever that was should be footing the costs of the delay.

  4. Derek Harvey1:23 AM

    The movie looks like a REAL winner...also stars Selena Gomez lol

  5. Derek Harvey1:24 AM

    and I have to add---NEVER found him attractive--he has beady little eyes and looks like he takes steroids

  6. Zilla11:25 AM

    Efron CAN act, given the right material. But who's really looking to Neighbors 2 for outstanding acting? He was fine in the first one. If there is a problem in this one, I 'm thinking it's drug connected. Or, it isn't this actor or this movie.

  7. Kno Won Uno1:25 AM

    Stellar acting talent right there. /s

  8. Theresa1:26 AM

    This is Zac Efron .Zac was high as a kite while filming and they are reshooting some of his scenes.
    Sami Miro his beard was trying to keep him high as much as possible so she could Snapchat videos of them together on set.

  9. Zac Efron and the sequel s Neighbors 2. There were all kind of stories about Zac out of control on set and parties.
    He ignored his beard Sami and partied with dudes a few times.
    When hi he lets his fem side out. One dude in particular was with him all the time.

  10. @theresa
    if your talking about recently, she hasn't been visting zac on set because shes been too 'busy' all the sudden and is 'working'

  11. im always so surprised that its the same five people on here who comment who happen to have 'stories' on zac, either some of you people legit work in the business are under different names or just trolling.

  12. LA Rose1:44 AM

    The gym rat and drug addicted Zac Efron has morphed into some type of creature I don't even recognize any more. Its like his soul has been sucked out of him and its sad because he used to be so handsome and charming but now he just looks and acts like egocentric muscle bound Skeletor.

  13. Two Cents1:45 AM

    I think Zac Efron is a good actor! He's funny, he has good timing, good range.

  14. Theresa1:55 AM

    I'm talking about the 'Neighbors 2 ' set. Sami was a huge distraction for everyone. Some in Miami say Zac banned her from the set of 'Baywatch'

  15. why would they ban sami from set when she is dating him? so your saying sami just go visit zac? all she does is stays in his trailer?

  16. I agree, I think he has great potential of becoming a great actor one day but he just needs to get his s##t together.

  17. Zac is a very good actor but I hear he was fucked up while filming.

  18. Theresa3:29 AM

    Just repeating what I was told from a few extras.
    On the 'Neighbors 2' set she was there whenever Zac was high.
    Don't even think she was on the 'Baywatch' set before or after they started filming.

  19. Derek's Protuberance4:07 AM

    Your Zac Efron blow-up doll would beg to differ.

  20. If you want to think Zac is straight and Sami is wonderful GF then fine but that doesn't mean everyone else is wrong.
    It was obvious from the beginning that Sami is beard that is now blackmailing Zac just so she can stay relevant.

  21. Wendy4:50 AM

    Didn't someone say Neighbors was a flop? How did it get a sequel?

  22. Zilla15:08 AM

    Neighbors did very, very well.

  23. June Gordon5:59 AM

    Lindsay Lohan used to be able to act too. Drugs are Jesus's best gift to us, but maybe not a great idea when you got to be in front of a movie camera in two hours.

  24. all in saying is the same people seem to have info and I'm asking how?
    I've sense somthing was off with Sami from the start ?
    How is Sami blackmailing zac?

  25. She knows his BF and all their secrets. She knows the parties they have been to and the times the BF and Zac have fought.
    She knows which of Zac friends are gay and pretending to be straight.
    She loves the attention being Zac's GF brings her and doesn't want to give it up.

  26. Christine11:14 AM

    My friend is good friends with his lil bro and said hes an asshole

  27. How is zac an ahole?

  28. Well if she's not welcome in set and Etx c wouldn't she hint that?

  29. I think she would try and hide that she is being banned from any set.
    Zac looks very happy that Sami has not been there disrupting the time he is spending with his BF.

  30. why wont anyone on here you or or someone who is in the know actually post a pic of zacs 'bf' either this person is hiding all the time or doesn't even exist. Again no one on this site actually posts anything kind of pic of this so called 'bf' that zacs had for over 5 years now, and i'am supposed to believe you and others like this person is real? buy now there would be a pic of this person.

    or maybe sami is actually busy with work?
