Thursday, March 10, 2016

Blind Item #9

This NBA player, who is HIV+, still likes to pretend he is suffering from other health issues.


  1. Tricia132:46 AM

    Chris Mosch

  2. Tricia132:46 AM


  3. MontanaMarriott2:46 AM

  4. Derek Harvey2:47 AM

    chris bosch

  5. sandybrook2:47 AM

    Chris Bosh has blood clots whixh may cause his retirement they say

  6. Kno Won Uno2:49 AM

    All I'm gonna say is that Magic played.

  7. Kno Won Uno2:54 AM

    All he says is "I do not have DVT" which is undoubtedly true.
    I need to work this into my day-to-day conversation.
    "Good morning! I am not diabetic right now"
    "Great presentation - I didn't have a heart attack in the parking lot a minute ago!"

  8. Malibuborebee3:24 AM


  9. I don't believe this one.

  10. Lurky McLurkster3:57 AM

    Kordell Stewart

  11. Anton Brockenbrough3:57 AM

    Me either.

  12. Anton Brockenbrough4:00 AM

    Me either

  13. HH3144:06 AM

    This is a gross violation of a patient's privacy
    Too bad it is a blind, and the slime ball owners of this site cannot be sued

  14. Hope not. I like him a lot.

  15. Anti5ocial9:30 AM

    This is fake. There is no way they'd let a player that is HIV+ play without it being public due to health concerns for others.

  16. Anti5ocial9:31 AM

    This is fake. There is no way they'd let a player that is HIV+ play without it being public due to health concerns for others.They already make players get medical treatment the second blood is spotted for fear of anything happening. Plus the NBA would probably face one hell of a lawsuit if someone contracted it without knowing a player was HIV+ but the league knew

  17. Alabama9:38 AM

    His wife is also currently pregnant with twins I believe. She's super Obnoxious. I know you can conceive without passing the virus but it seems like a stretch in this case.

    Dennis Rodman? It doesn't say former however...

  18. SnarkIsFun12:23 PM

    No idea who it is, but with the right meds, taken correctly, you can get viral loads down to undetectable levels - maybe enough to to pass an HIV screening test. As for an HIV infected male having a child, I think you can do IVF and remove the virus (not sure, though). A non-infected partner can also take pre-exposure prophylaxis to reduce their risk of infection. I would think (but again, not sure) that a combination of a HIV+ male on proper treatment, and an uninflected female on PreEP, would make transmission rates low enough that a couple might have unprotected sex to try to get pregnant.
