Monday, March 21, 2016

Blind Item #9

The manager of this A+ list singer is keeping her supplied with prescription drugs and enabling her addiction to keep her under the manager's thumb.


  1. Tricia133:46 AM


  2. sandybrook3:47 AM

    Riri outside shot at Madge

  3. Elle B3:54 AM

    britney spears

  4. Kno Won Uno4:00 AM

    Is she still a conservatee?

  5. Surly4:15 AM

    Gaga, just to be different.

  6. Sarah4:22 AM

    I think it's Mariah. This is on D Listed today:

  7. PamelaKiss4:31 AM

    Mariah - check out today's Dlisted.

  8. PoniTayl4:32 AM

    DListed: "Everyone In Mariah Carey’s Entourage Has Quit Because They Hate Her Manager"

  9. PoniTayl4:41 AM

    Sorry Pamela and Sarah, your posts didn't appear until after I posted. Kudos to you both.

  10. Malibuborebee5:51 AM

    Yes. Britney may end up being a lifer with that. She's seriously mentally ill.

    She's on medication but whether her manager, Larry Rudolph, could be in control of it rather than her conservator father, I don't know.

    I hate how they keep her working long past the point where she needs the money for herself or her children (and Kfed!). She looks terrified most of the time.

  11. Kno Won Uno6:02 AM

    That's my thought process - I was wondering if her parents ever act as "manager".
    It's really quite sad how long this has gone on. A 'civilian' would have had it lifted long ago. If she can produce like she does, she can probably run her own life.
    I mostly want to make her a cup of tea or something. =/

  12. Malibuborebee6:09 AM

    The information at the Dlisted link drops a dozen red flags on Mimi's new manager. It looks like bad news for Mimi but what does her billionaire fiance think of these shenanigans?

  13. Always curious how she became so emotionally disturbed. Drugs or genes? Do you know Miss Barbie?

  14. Debbie Do (@debbiedonothing)7:17 AM


  15. Little Dog7:37 AM

    Mr Maracker doesn't care! His specialty is women who make bad decisions around alcohol.

  16. zerty8:11 AM

    Mariah Carey is so toasted. Have you seen her new tour on Youtube ? It's available in full (Glasgow). Looks like a drag show but a cheap one. She books these big venues but uses only half of th space and cover the rest with a black curtain. She comes on stage on some kind of giant plate held by dancers struggling for their lives. It looks a giant turkey is being served. Everything is cheap and tacky in a bad way. She must have used a gastric bypass to lose a lot of weight because although her face does not look like a chipmunk anymore her legs are still heavy as tree trunks.

  17. Cinabun8:57 AM

    A screwed up family who used her for $s & fame. Having no support system + fame & pressure at such a young age. She's publicly stated she's biploar & had anxiety issues. Possible she's schizophrenic given her age when she began to have some serious problems.
    Most of (if not all) ppl she has lived have sh#t all over her. Very sad to YT her 10+ years ago to now.
    They will never let her out of that conservatorship, it's how they control her. I hope someday she finds someone decent to love who gets her away from all the BS.

  18. That sounds like a glorious & epic sparkle-covered shit show! I was never a Mariah fan, but this sounds like something I would enjoy.
