Thursday, March 31, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #1

December 16, 2014

This former A+ list mostly movie actor is probably an A now, but only in certain circumstances. Acting family and very well liked he has a problem with condoms. He is currently shuttling between promoting a new movie and taking two different women to doctor appointments because they are pregnant. He is working on a handful of kids now all from different moms. One of the two this time is still in her teens.

Owen Wilson


  1. Kno Won Uno1:25 AM

    There's literally no excuse for a grown man running around impregnating whoever stands still long enough. It's Neanderthal behavior.

  2. MontanaMarriott1:33 AM

    Is he competing with Future?!!?

  3. The two moms are in their teens or the kids?

  4. Malibuborebee2:03 AM

    As long as she's 18, which presumably she is or Enty would have clutched his pearls harder about it, her age isn't an issue. It may be unwise but it's legal.

    I have no idea why Owen Wilson, Mr. Drugs and Suicide, wants so many kids. After it happens once, it's no longer an accident.

  5. back again2:34 AM

    lol..i was thinking he was competing with Hugh Grant..

  6. rerun3:04 AM

    When was he formerly A+?

  7. hothotheat3:06 AM

    As a woman who was straight up told to "Fuck off" when I told my at-the-time boyfriend I was pregnant, I appreciate his taking responsibilty for his kids. Even if the doctor visits were for abortion purposes.

    I'm not condoning his behavior though.

  8. Sadie3:12 AM

    Owen's never been over a B and has drifted downward since. He used to be considered funny but it's always the same old schtick.

  9. June Gordon3:35 AM

    He should date me. I can't abort them suckers fast enough.

  10. Navy Blue4:52 AM

    Old news.

  11. lemon swizzle6:11 AM

    What a dumb ass. Lots of kiddies, from lots of different moms = LOTS AND LOTS of child support.

  12. Wendy6:39 AM

    So who are these other kids? I haven't heard about any other kids besides the 2 who had already been born by the time this blind was written.....

  13. Kibble6:48 AM

    Preferred the "Butterscotch Stallion" stories. Sigh. Gossip these days blows. :(

  14. Shut Up!7:37 AM

    He's never been A+. He has no awards and he's never carried a blockbuster film by himself.

  15. Studio5410:30 AM

    I agree, what an idiot. He's acting like a hood rat or baller, and doesn't have a baller's money to support all the "baby mama's.

  16. ..Or Jude Law

  17. Thank you for articulating so eloquently my confusion with this rating scale. I once observered a camera in action. That must make me at least d list.

  18. Vasectomy dude.
