Sunday, March 13, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #3

February 9, 2015

Grammy Awards

This current B list mostly television actress went back to her roots last night at the Grammy Awards. She also brought along her friend who seems to be the person that collects phone numbers from married executives who would like to have lunch or dinner with the actress. She can’t be seen talking to them any longer because of her past so she has this woman come with her who does all the dirty work and also got yelled at a few weeks ago by an angry wife when she was pulling the same duty.

Katharine McPhee


  1. dazzle12:35 AM

    McPhee is a hustler and the less you mention her the better. She is so degusting and can't act so I'm assuming that she slept her way in getting that latest role.

  2. so much bee12:44 AM

    blows my mind she got this far.

    isnt her only claim to fame being a runner-up on american idol??

  3. 'Scorpion' has "Jumped the Shark" for me.
    Too many implausible plots to keep me interested.
    I now re-watch last week's 'Better Call Saul' then this week's 'Better Call Saul.'
    That's a well put together show.
    I love Michael McKean and Jonathon Banks' characters.

  4. Kibble12:49 AM

    Gasp! An agressively ambitious slore seeking stardom in Hollywood ... my pearls just broke and scattered all over the floor! Escandelo!

  5. sandybrook1:26 AM

    Her only problem was she got caught and is paying spousal support now. She probably hustles on the d/l

  6. Cinabun1:51 AM

    Truly doubt she's the only one.

  7. Malibuborebee3:46 AM

    I've never liked McPhee. There's something instantly repellent about her.

  8. Alessia4:35 AM

    Katharine McPhee has been dating her costar Elyes since scorpion started filming almost two years ago. So no idea why everyone thinks she's a slut or hoe. She made a mistake one time sleeping with that director and it seems to have tainted her image. Well I disagree with the rest of you people and think she is lovely and her relationship with Elyes is adorable.

  9. Adorable that's there's so many nights they can't do it cuz her herpes outbreak is too bad? And from what I've heard herpes might be the least of her worries ..

  10. Patrick8:53 AM

    Granted re JTS. For me, her character is the worst, always talking about feelings and EQ stuff which is nonsense. Its also ridiculous that the action is carried by an actor who is an old looking 57. They should drop McPhee, and "promote" Robert Patrick's character to some sort of oversight role that keeps him out of the field. Bring in a female agent to provide the "action" that also sparks with the lead.

  11. How would you know such intimate information? Because you accessed her musical records, or you're actually stupid enough to believe blind items and gossip sites?

  12. Alesia3:05 PM

    Herpes? Really? HIGHLY doubt she has that. Lol

  13. Alessia3:06 PM

    SMH stupid auto correct making me spell my own name wrong.

  14. Penelope 23:22 AM

    Agree that she isn't worth mentioning. I now suspect her much older first husband was just a beard so she seemed "safe" (being married) and people would let their guard down, not realizing she was after the married dudes.

    And smh at Alessia... why would you doubt she has herpes? She sleeps around a lot, and most of Hollywood has it. Why would she be immune?
