Wednesday, March 02, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #4

January 11, 2016

Golden Globe After Party

This B-/C+ list mostly television actress who will be lucky to work after her last almost network show ended heard some people talking about her hair extensions. When she did, she turned to them and snapped that the extensions cost more than they would make in a week and then told them to f**k off. JV likes everyone and is hard pressed to find something she likes about this person. She acted like she decided not to attend the actual event because she couldn’t be bothered. When, in fact, she was never invited and probably never will be.

Jaime King


  1. Kno Won Uno2:35 AM

    Punchable face on Jaime King.
    Did you see she jumped on the Oscar's rape survivor bandwagon today?

  2. sandybrook2:36 AM

    Imma give her a pass from now on since she says she was sexually abused starting when she was 12.

  3. Kno Won Uno2:40 AM

    I guess I'm an awful person, since my only reaction is "yeah, right" - I assume everything she does is purely for any modicum of publicity she can wring out of the universe.
    I have special loathing for people who use the pain of others for their own gain.
    If I'm wrong, OK....but I'm not feelin' it.

  4. Sarahelizabeth3:01 AM

    Kno won uno - i agree and would feel terrible if it is true but to me- everything she foes is for publicity:/

  5. Sarahelizabeth3:01 AM

    Kno won uno - i agree and would feel terrible if it is true but to me- everything she does is for publicity:/

  6. Can't stand this woman & I think she's probably full of shit when she says she was violated. She's one of those desperate types that will do/say anything to keep the attention on her. I feel bad for her children having such a narcissistic mother.

  7. Malibuborebee5:53 AM

    You're not awful @Kno, she's a phony to the core and I'm not buying into her latest attention-seeking bullshit either. She's going to piggyback on the misery and pain of rape victims to get herself some publicity? She's a nasty, ugly cow.

  8. Boredtechindenver7:22 AM

    I had to look up something I thought I remembered, her heroin addiction while she was a model. Per Wikipedia, she started using on her first assignment at age 14, so I would tend to believe that she is a rape survivor as she was likely having sex while very underage as a model, and a drug user.

  9. This could go either way. She's either lying because she's a horrible person, or she's a horrible person because it's all true. In either case, I would not want to be her.

  10. *Clarification - She became a horrible person because it happened. Not that she's horrible if it happened to her.

  11. She's friend with Swifty and I noticed the only work Jaime's hubby has gotten recently is doing a few of Taylor's videos.

  12. I had the same reaction to Lena Dunham's alleged date rape experience. Still don't buy it. Trendy victimization.

  13. Penelope 211:14 AM

    In all fairness, if you hear someone making fun of you (and loudly enough for you to hear) it's going to make you mad

  14. 14 year old girl off on her own modeling in the 90's, I think it's bs to think she's lying about being violated.

  15. Cinabun12:09 PM

    "Trendy" & "victimization" do not belong in the same sentence. How sad, disgusting, & desperate for anyone to say they were raped for publicity...

  16. Hot Cola12:43 PM

    She's got the face of a be aach

  17. it took forever1:05 PM

    Something definately happened to her, and knowing hollywood, i tend to believe her. As for those bitches who choose to ridicule her in earshot, they got off easy.

  18. This happened when I was living in NY in 1997. It's all I ever think of when I hear her name.

    "Based on reports from the BBC’s Online, Sorrenti fell in love with teenage model Jaime (James) King, herself a heroin addict, and Sorrenti quickly stepped into the void of substance abuse. Vulnerable due to his thalassemia, and a lethal injection of a quantity “not normally considered unusual,” Sorrenti was dead within six months."

    He was Mario Sorrenti's brother. He was with Kate Moss at the time.

  19. Mario was with Moss. There were photos published of him allegedly beating her up but they both said he was directing her for a fashion shoot.

  20. Morleys6:21 PM

    Nearly every woman I know has been sexually abused/assaulted. If a woman says she has been abused, I don't question her. Regardless of her faults or lack there of.

  21. Christine8:31 PM

    This is how I deal with crazy bitch friends. I get you were..., I'll give you some slack. But as an adult, you either work on those problems ( I stick with you while you work on it) or continue to be a psycho bitch, but I won't be around. I'm not enabling anymore.
