Saturday, March 26, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #5

March 2, 2015

This A list singer is A list in his own musical niche but every few years makes it to A list in the mainstream pop charts. He is married. He is always married. His new wife better get used to the cheating because the guy has been married a very very short time and has already hooked up with a fan and an ex. No, not the A lister the one before that he cheated on with the A lister.

Marc Anthony


  1. sandybrook3:06 AM

    Skelator either has a huge wang or a terrific tongue, because he sure looks like $hit

  2. Hot Cola3:10 AM

    He looks scary I wouldn't touch him even if had the best wand in the world

  3. I think he's hot. And he's gotta HUGE dick. Coke problem is a turnoff though.

  4. Malibuborebee3:38 AM

    So is this supposed to be about him and Miss Universe (or whatever)? That was a very acrimonious split/divorce. I don't think they'd be casual fuck buddies now.

    Also, how would anyone deal with his daytime coffin?

  5. Malibuborebee3:39 AM

    June will be all over that huge dick.

  6. So fame makes him think he is more important than he actually is.
    Let's call this Trumpism.
    Just read an article about Trump and a business venture he was involved with that went south because of...Trump.

  7. Airhead4:41 AM

    He looks liked a dirty drowned rat.

  8. Really?! Are there pics? He's just so slight & wormy, I can't imagine him being blessed with a huge pecker. Would explain his prowess with the ladies though. Still no dick, no matter how magical, can make up for that face.

  9. "Slight" guys tend to have huge slongs. Especially the ones that pull the chicks that Marc does.

  10. Bedhead5:43 AM

    Completely agree

  11. My then-23 year old dtr. was in a NYC recording studio one morning with her manager. She was rehearsing material for a demo. In walked a tiny, skinny kid with Bermuda shorts on who walked up to her, pinned her against the piano and Frenched her. She pushed him off and said, "I think you have the wrong room little man. The janitor's closet is the next room" She said the look on his face and all the musicians in the room spoke volumes. He backed out the door wagging his finger (no not that one) at her. When he left the entire room exploded in laughter. He's a hell of a singer, though. Hasta Ayer does it every time.

  12. See thats a turn on for me lol

  13. Serialliar11:59 AM

    Very true. Must of been his ex, past Miss Universe. My friend used to be one of his dancers and you are right on both accounts. He played the ex Miss Universe with Jlo.

  14. Laura Player12:39 PM

    Hot in a sexual assault kinda way. Is that a thing?

  15. Mrs.K2:57 PM

    Too true!! Or he voodoos them to like his ugly face!

  16. ellie3:01 AM

    Trump is a piece of spray tanned poo. He's gone bankrupt four times after having a shit ton of money handed to him on a silver platter. He throws his name on shit that tanks (like vodka, magazines, etc) and then continues to boasts about all his business ventures, YEARS after they crashed around him. I have no idea how people take him seriously but laughed at the beginning of Colbert's run in 2008. He was booted from the ballot immediately, but Trump is a few votes from winning. Blows my mindhole.

  17. UpMyOwnArse7:34 AM

    You can smell his skinny-azz breath from fifty paces.

  18. BudgetCeleb1:24 AM

    Haha haha!!!! @Sandybrook Your bad!!!! But I'm just as bad for laughing!!
