Saturday, March 19, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #8

February 19, 2015

This B list mostly television actress has a boyfriend who used to be married. He has kids and was in that big franchise. While out with friends, she said the guy, who everyone thinks is good looking lasts about 30 seconds in bed if he can even get it up.

Jaimie Alexander/Peter Facinelli


  1. sandybrook3:53 AM


  2. honestly as a twentysomething who has slept with guys over 40.....

    ladies, be be prepared for this. :-/

  3. seabee6664:10 AM

    Good looking? Facinelli is hideous.

  4. Kno Won Uno4:16 AM

    As a woman of a certain age, that hasn't been my experience. At. All.
    Try someone else, expand your sample. For science! ;-)

  5. mariaj4:49 AM

    Well, anyway, not a nice thing to say to others people, at all.

  6. @KWU: Well said, as usual.

    Pretty sure Dr. Cullen is straight. And frankly Jaimie, you look a bit like a man... so, you know. Whatever the case, enjoy the karma!

  7. @Kno since you're currently decades older than a twenty something, Ella's comment doesn't pertain to you. You should try something else like remembering being a twenty something...or anything.

  8. Why do I NOT feel anything for either of these two?

  9. Cinabun5:37 AM

    Your comment about Kno "trying to remember" implies that b/c she is older her exp & comments are of less value than Ella's.
    Ageist discrimination only demonstrates ignorance.

  10. +1 and even more LOL!!!

  11. Cinabun5:42 AM

    Early 30's here. :-)
    Not my exp either
    For science, of course *wink*

  12. Dexknows6:15 AM

    Chances are if they can't perform they have unchecked health issues- and I don't care what age you are, but unless it's impossible fix that shit.
    No one wants to go through bad or no sex.

  13. Don't currrrrrrr

  14. Lavert6:25 AM

    People attack each other on this site all the time, so it's never a surprise and often amusing.

    But @sigh your response to @kno was simply mean-spirited; and it wasn't witty or useful in any way.

  15. TopperMadison6:54 AM

    I remember my 20s with perfect clarity. I sometimes have difficulty remembering what I walked into the kitchen to get, though.

    Short-term memory goes first. Look it up, pipsqueak.

  16. My husband is over 40....and, not to divulge too much, but we do not have any issues getting up or staying up! Then again, he hardly drinks ( thank God, cause when he does it's a lot longer than a while to get him back down), never uses drugs, exercises, eats healthy.... I think hard lifestyle in youth affects how long the machine works in maturity ( lol I was gonna say ' how hard... Then I creeped myself out)

  17. Well that must be frustrating for him and her.

  18. Laninna7:32 AM

    Maybe he just couldn't get it up WITH HER and needed it over as soon as possible. Lol

  19. This is another good reason men should date closer to their own age. Young people talk about everything and are seriously lacking in tact and diplomacy.

  20. Penelope 211:04 AM

    Well, she isn't exactly sexy, but then again, I love reading this about him because he's a cheater. Bwahahahaha! Somewhere Jenny is laughing with her younger, lasts-longer husband.

  21. To be fair, I don't think too many guys would last very long with Jamie Alexander

  22. back again11:47 AM

    NONE of the guys"over 40" that I had good times with ever had any issues.... especially when I was in my 20s---- I think you got suckered sweetie!

  23. Agreed and he has erectile dysfunction practically written on his pinched face.

  24. June Gordon12:57 PM

    Most the fellas I with smoke them some medicine. After a 8 ball or what ain't nothing work.

    So I just let them lick the kitty or we do some scat for 14 hours.

    If that done work, we got another 40 or 70 hours awake to try some thing else.

    You have to got more than one thing in you bag of tricks if you want to hand on to a man for more than an hour y'all!!!!!

  25. MY EYES! MY EYES! @June ugh!!! TMI! TMI!!!

  26. Zilla12:49 PM

    lol, I was just thinking he probably couldn't get it up because it is well rumored that he cheats on her all over the place. He has no energy left for her!

  27. You should try being a decent human being....or something close to it.

  28. Derek's Clean Thong5:10 AM

    JUNE: You're a treasure

  29. Unemployable8:40 AM

    30 seconds? Well, for Chrissakes, how the hell long does this little nympho want it to last?!? A man has got to save his strength for doing other things like watching television and such. (Damn feminists! They keep moving the goalposts on me!)

  30. dookie9:37 AM

    Is the only fool that has never heard of Viagra? I'm guessing this is why she dumped him.
