Monday, March 28, 2016

Mr. X Blind Item #4

What closeted former tweener turned successful solo artist's boyfriend got into a fight with the PR person of the actress/celeb spawn who has been trying to be the singer's new beard? It almost got physical, and security had to separate the two before the first punch was thrown. Yes, she was there last night as well but the singer basically ignored her.


  1. MontanaMarriott4:45 AM

    Nick J

  2. MontanaMarriott4:46 AM

    Kate Hudson

  3. SweetP4:49 AM

    Nick Jonas/Lily Collins or Kate Husdon...again. This blind keeps repeating itself, ffs.

  4. Kno Won Uno4:53 AM

    to the point where it's not even a blind

  5. kareen1:31 PM

    nIck j , kate hudson

  6. Dear Americans,

    Now that you have had your token potus, the famous community organiser, who organised Chicago into a dump, the US into a dump, turned everything he touched into stinking dumpy turds, destroyed half the world, and couldn’t organise a piss up in a brewery, can you just use your fucking brains when voting next?

    Cause the US potus is kinda of a big fucking deal, and if you vote like turds, the repercussions are felt worldwide.
    All the best, from socialist-fascist Islamized Obama-despising Europe, and Londonistan.

  7. Claire4:23 PM

    LOL what, you psycho?

  8. Lavert10:28 PM

    Dear Brit,

    Clean up your own house before you criticize ours.

  9. Lavert10:41 PM

    Dear Brit,

    Frequent visitors to this site understand that the "blinds" are for the most part
    1. Made up, or
    2. Taken from the news.

    So, clearly, we are here for mindless entertainment.

    Please do not inflict your idiotic and uninformed political opinions on us.

    While your arguments are thoughtfully presented and intelligently articulated, they are unwelcome here.

  10. LOL I think Brit rocks! Love his post, so bloody true, it's tragically hilarious, yet so true. I agree 100% and I don't live in the US either.

  11. Our economy rebounded, yours hit the shitter. How are those doctor visits going during the strike? WTFU FFS.

  12. When Obama took office, the Dow stood at around 7,000 and today it's at 17,500. The deficit was 9.8% and now it's under 2.8%. Unemployment was at 7.8% and now it's under 5%. Consumer confidence was at 37.7 and today it stands at 94.5.

    Tell you what "British person" how about you learn your facts before you start spewing your crap.

  13. Tranny2:21 AM

    Except it isn't true at all.

  14. longtimereader3:24 AM

    He is about as british as bagels, no one talks like that over here. We have utter idiots as well but they write like british people...

  15. Brit:

    Eat a fat dick.



  16. UpMyOwnArse8:41 PM

    Sad thing is, Brit is 100% right.
