Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Today's Blind Items - Bangkok Part One

On Sunday night I was surfing the internet and saw an article about Bangkok.. Specifically a hotel in Bangkok that was undergoing a renovation. I remembered staying in that hotel like it happened yesterday, but is getting on towards a decade. I have always wanted to write about what happened that trip but I don't think I am a good enough writer to convey all that was going on around me during that trip. It is one thing to describe the action, which I will do, but the heat and humidity soaking through clothes after just a few minutes or the massive case of food poisoning that made one 24 hour window a foggy haze of trips between an unforgiving to small couch and the cold tile floors of the bathroom.

I had never been to Thailand before and have never been back since. This all happened shortly after the whole traipsing through Europe thing looking for the director. My job this time was a little different. I didn't have to find anyone, because I knew where they were, but I had to see if the actor needed to be replaced before things got too far along. The actor was a mess of drugs and booze and Thailand was not helping things.

I was sitting at home getting ready to go to work. I got a call and was told to pack a suitcase and bring my passport to the office. Originally I was told I was going to be gone for a week which is pretty fast when you are traveling halfway across the world. In reality it ended up being about half that amount of time.

I get to the office and am introduced to an actor. You all know him. Good looking. Short. Chain smoker. Has a lot of sex with actresses (now Instagram models) and makes generally bad movies. His last name is almost a slur. Probably will be someday. He was supposed to go on this trip with me. Let us call him JM. The last time I saw JM on that trip was in an airport bar getting hammered with a group of flight attendants who had their trip canceled because the airplane that was going to take them back to Poland had been grounded back in Poland. Yeah, I asked him about that a few years later and he barely remembered it. I think parties like that happen to him frequently. Presumably JM was going with me in case the actor in question was just too far gone to even work any longer. Two totally different looking actors. You can tell this was a really high quality project. This ended up being straight to DVD. Somehow, over time they have sold over 250,000 DVD's of this movie. I know. Crazy. I never saw any of it.

The gist of what I am doing is told to me in the office and by 11 in the morning I'm at LAX and by 1130 I am abandoned by JM. Because this was last minute and the producers were cheap, I was thrown on a flight that connected through Taiwan. Lovely airport Taiwan. never saw anything else. That was a 13 hour flight and then the layover and then another 3 or 4 hour flight. I get picked up at the airport around midnight local time. Did I tell you about the middle seat I had on the 13 hour flight? I think I may have mentioned I am a large person. The people on either side of me may have been larger. They also enjoyed their meals loudly while talking around me both front and back. Good times.

I was picked up at the airport and was dropped off at the hotel which I spoke about before. American chain. From the outside it looked the same as any other of their hotels. Inside? Even though it was past midnight, the inside was packed. The entire lobby was filled with an AARP convention's worth of men and their 18 year old girlfriends. The lobby bar and restaurant were filled with these couples. I have never seen so much grab ass in my life. When we were driving in the car the final few blocks to the hotel  saw the occasional couple, but this was full on in your face. The noise was deafening. The guys were all talking to each other while the women were talking to each other and the only interruptions occurred when one of the old guys would shove his grizzled tongue down the throat of one of the teens while fondling her beneath her barely there clothes.

You know, I don't judge and am open to just about anything, but it was just so in your face. It is like someone dry humping in an elevator or a Starbucks line. I don't care if you are dry humping in public, but when you have 12 inches of space between you and a person you don't know, maybe you should wait a minute or two or go someplace where you don't have to worry about hitting someone else with the follow through on your thrusting.

Part Two is more lobby fun and we meet the actor I am there to see and another actor who is not as prim and proper as he likes to pretend to the world.




  1. sandybrook3:22 AM

    I'll say Piven for JM. Besides that I was amused to find out Enty doesn't judge and is open to anything.

  2. Messed up actor is Don Johnson. Other ?

  3. AdGirl3:33 AM

    David Spade for JM

  4. Dry-humping? No problem, just not within a foot of Enty, that's crossing the line.

  5. Kno Won Uno3:36 AM

    Hahahaha! Dude, I love/hate ya, but you are one of the most judgmental people I've ever seen type.
    I think JM might be Peen. Peen & Piven are similarly gross.

  6. Kno Won Uno3:41 AM

    He fits. Joe Dirt is all about gettin' it.

  7. Kno Won Uno3:42 AM

    Given Enty's size, being within a foot of him might include being in his stomach.

  8. Please don't perform your dry humping pedophilia 12" from my face, either.
    18 year old girls? I don't think so. Probably more like 14-16 year old girls.
    Thailand has no laws against sex with minors.
    The aarp reference was disguise for a pedophilia convention.
    Isn't that correct, Enty?

  9. You will find a Yuuuge assortment of media-types (actors, directors, writers, TV personalities, models, designers et al) in Thailand on any given day. Been this way for years. Place to go if you like having sex with kindergarten students. Third Graders are considered too old. One very famous US director was there when I was last there. Not surprising. He has always struck me as being creepy. No, not Tarantino. Looks like him, though. He was sweaty and nervous and was acting 'fatherly' to the young Thai boy he was walking down the street with. Right. Didn't like him before that encounter. Certainly don't like him now. His glory days are, thankfully, long over.

  10. Great guess! Spade is definitely a racial slur.

  11. Jayleen3:57 AM

    Enty doesn't like Piven, Piven raped a girl when he was a teen & his parents got him out of it & paid off the girls family, she still has issues to this day.

  12. Derek Harvey4:15 AM

    One night in Bangkok and the world's your oyster
    The bars are temples but the pearls ain't free
    You'll find a God in every golden cloister
    And if you're lucky then the God's a she
    I can feel an angel sliding up to me

    Read more: Murray Head - One Night In Bangkok Lyrics | MetroLyrics

  13. Muchlu4:50 AM

    When is the part II coming? Thought it would b today

  14. Tapioca4:59 AM

    it was playing in my head when reading, i love that fucking song so much!!!

  15. Riven5:06 AM

    Enty really likes to change up his dates on that Tarantino movie BI. Based on the info in this BI, I'm going to jump ahead and guess the movie as Belly of the Beast from 2003.

    But if People Vs Larry Flint was the Courtney Love BI and Pulp Fiction was Tarantino, then Enty has somehow learned to exist simultaneously in 2 different decades. Or my memory recall of his details is as fucked as his storytelling technique.

  16. CindyC5:23 AM

    Oliver Stone?

  17. Heather Chandler5:31 AM

    Stephen Dorff - Dwarf being the slur.

  18. Apricot5:46 AM

    agreed! He was the first person that came to mind.

  19. Jayleen, you've been served5:55 AM

    Yikes - hope Piven's attorneys don't see Jayleen'a comment and subpoena the IP to serve her for defamation!

  20. Malibuborebee6:10 AM

    It's weird, I hadn't heard that song in a hundred years and I just heard it the other day and now it turns up here too.

  21. Actually, there is a law for age and what is surprising to many - prostitution is illegal. Sadly, it is not enforced, although with the coup in 2014, the bars had less "childlike" girls.

  22. Guesser6:16 AM

    Hollywood types can get18 year olds at home. And aren't many of these ladyboys?

  23. Jean Claude Van Damme?

  24. Fritanga8:14 AM

    YES. Lyrics by Tim Rice, music by Bjorn & Benny from ABBA, gorgeously sung by the criminally underrated Murray Head (whose Judas in JCS is the definitive one - so great). "I get my kicks above the waistline, Sunshine." Thailand defines the word "fleshpot." And, ick to all this. So much horrible exploitation of poor people. Ugh.

  25. For slander reasons I cannot say yay or nay. However-----

  26. misstes11:08 AM

    Although I thought dwarf was the accepted term (midget being the slur).

  27. Emeraldcity12:22 PM

    Both terms are correct, Dwarfism exhibits a body, internal organs and head that are relatively normal size with small limbs, Midgets have bodies that are in proportion to their size, simply a 'miniature' version of the averge sized person.

  28. Stardust12:24 PM

    I took the "slur" to mean that actor's last name has become the slur of its own, because of the way he looks or behaves.

  29. marlo6:44 PM

    I spit at pedophilia as much as the next person, but I have been to Thailand myself a couple of times. The sex industry is huge there, and that includes everything. But in Thailand in particular, you really can't tell the age of hookers very well, neither can you tell what sex they are. They could be 35 year old men, and yet they look like 14 year old girls.
    For real pedophilia, the executives can surely do better than dry humping in a public lobby, it's not as if there isn't police presence in Bangkok, underage prostitution is illegal there after all. I have never seen a young girl with an old man there (although I know it's common, I'm just saying it's not in your face) like I have for example in Cambodia. In Thailand it's mainly ladyboys who are paraded out in public.

  30. Shalene7:07 PM

    "Never seen so much grab ass" lol I'm going to have to find a situation to be in just so I can say that line

  31. Shalene7:10 PM

    I was thinking that but he said good looking. I'd call spade okay. Pitt is who I was thinking. But when I think short and good looking I think marky mark but he doesn't smoke. Downy Jr. is both good looking and short.

  32. Shalene7:14 PM

    I'll go with this. But is he good looking? To me, Nope .. Nope and hell no

  33. I think JM is Sylvester Stalone

  34. back again5:02 AM

    +1000- nice one@Heather Chandler-(i'm reading this a day late or i would've given kudos to you much sooner).
    -Stephen Dorff is JM-- because he played Johnny Marco in "Somewhere" known role in a really long time.
    - recently known for dating instagram/Carl Jr.'s model Charlotte McKinney.
    -known for his trying to quit his chain smoking habit with his 'Blu' vape cigarette ads & he has emphysema

  35. Studio5411:45 AM

    Enty is not overweight, no matter what he says. He was show in silhouette on an "E" special, and he wasn't overweight at all. E is too freaking cheap to have an actor play the silhouette Enty.

  36. Studio5411:54 AM

    Interesting what everyone is saying about Bangkok and Thailand...
    I recall that the Government of Thailand couldn't wait to deport John Mark Karr (the police didn't have to wait for extradition) the Government wanted no part of Karr once they knew the crime he was being charged with (falsely, thanks to his DAXIS story. it turned out).
    And the K-Trash were certainly trying to legitimize the place as an upscale tourist destination for straights and families, when they were at a five star resort they filmed for their show.

  37. lemon swizzle10:11 PM

    I love that song! I have it on my running play list.

  38. Clarisse4:11 AM

  39. Bookjacket5:08 AM

    I know a lot of people believe that, but midget is heard as an insult. Check the lpa website. Dwarfism is a medical diagnosis for any of 200 genetic abnormalities that cause short stature. Midget is a term once used by carnivals. It is very hurtful to those affected and has been banned by most media outlets in the US.

  40. +10
    "Downy" could easily become a slur for tard.
