Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Blind Item #12

This former A list mostly movie actress who has been acting since she was a ute and used to have a franchise before she thought was too good for it was a bloody mess the other day after stumbling into a wall while drunk.


  1. Derek Harvey4:45 AM

    kirsten dunst

  2. Derek Harvey4:46 AM

    what's a ute???

  3. sandybrook4:47 AM


  4. sandybrook4:50 AM

    ute is phonetically close to youth. Dunst started acting as a ute and made 2 SpiderMan movies before she quit the franchise

  5. Betty4:50 AM

    This is Marisa Tomei. The term "ute" was used by Joe Pesci in My Cousin Vinny, in which she co-starred.

  6. Derek Harvey4:53 AM


    When you first heard that Kirsten Dunst and Garrett Hedlund had called off their engagement, you were probably filled with questions, such as: Kirsten Dunst was engaged? or, Who the hell is Garrett Hedlund?

    Fortunately, we've got answers, and just like the second season of True Detective, those answers involve Colin Farrell and will probably just leave you feeling more confused than ever.
    According to Star magazine, Dunst left Hedlund for Farrell, whom she's been seeing on the down-low for several months.

    The tabloids source on this is...some dude who works at a gym in LA:

    “Kirsten and Colin have shown up together a few times and sometimes he picks her up after her private sessions,” quoth the dude. “If they really are just working out together, why act so secretive about it?"

    Obviously, based on that intel, it's possible that Kirsten and Colin are just friends.

    It's also possible that she and Garrett have been over for longer than we realize, and Kirsten is keeping her relationship Colin a secret simply because she doesn't want anyone to know that she's broken her 12-year-old vow to abstain from Farrell peen:

    “He’s that drunken boy, right?" Kirsten said of Farrell in a 2004 interview. "Well, he’s not going to have [sex] with me. I don’t even think he’s that great looking.”

    Of course, that was when Kirsten was at the height of her career.

  7. Kno Won Uno5:00 AM

    I agree.

  8. Kno Won Uno5:01 AM

    First film was in 1984, she'd have been 20.

  9. Derek Harvey5:05 AM

    Marissa was never in a franchise

  10. Malibuborebee5:45 AM

    It's from My Cousin Vinny.

    A Ute = A Youth

  11. Malibuborebee5:51 AM

    I think Enty's just using "ute" to try to be funny. You're right that this is not about Tomei.

    I had no idea that Dunst was with Colin Farrell now. I'm envious, I love him regardless of how fucked up he is. I hope they don't fall into a drug/drink induced haze together. They're both prone to it.

  12. HH3146:30 AM

    In totally unexpected great news, Garrett is available! YAY

  13. Maggie6:52 AM

    Exactly what I was thinking!

  14. DoctorMaybe9:31 AM

    Colin Farrell isn't a great actor and I understand he's pretty messed up. However, I totally get why women like him, aside from the fact that he's charming and good looking. I saw his sex tape and observed two things:

    1) Brother is PACKING. Jesus Christ.


    2) His sexy talk is basically just saying nice shit to the girl he's with, over and over. How pretty she is, how happy he is to be getting down with her, how cool this all is, how awesome her body is, how stoked he is to be fucking her, etc. It ain't creative, but it's sort of adorably upbeat and positive.

  15. "I hope they don’t fall into a drug/drink induced haze together. They’re both prone to it."

    That would not be a bad way to go.

  16. Laura Palmer12:18 PM

    Thanx for the HOT dish.

  17. Don't believe it9:29 PM

    Colin Farrell doesn't drink and is supposed to be celibate , or possibly has an Asian girlfriend he's been photographed with. Last month when he was photographed his Asian girlfriend, they said Farrell was pining for Jennifer Gardner. Publicity, Colin has been traveling this past week for DG.

  18. Reese Witherspoon

  19. Whywhywhy???12:40 AM

    so that's how you spell that?


  21. thebutlerdidit6:35 AM

    The clue says Tomei, but I just think of Kiki Drunkst.
