Sunday, April 10, 2016

Blind Item #1

With his celebrity sister getting married, this B+ list celebrity/part-time network reality star got a fellow reality star from a different show to help him out. She lands women for him, just like his sister did. The thing he loves most about this though, is both women join him. His sister kind of drew the line at that. Kind of.


  1. Derek Harvey2:46 AM

    Derek Hough

  2. Zilla12:51 AM

    and..ew. I thought these two were Mormons.

  3. sandybrook2:53 AM

    Honestly I doubt he needs help getting nailed. If he has troubles all he has to do is get himself a pretty dog to walk and for girls to pet. And I swear one time a couple of years ago Entern blinded that he sleeps with Juliette.

  4. kevinn3:03 AM

    If it is Derek Hough, can't he do it on his own? He's young, good looking, 'famous' and successful.

  5. June Gordon3:19 AM

    If he want someone pretty on his arms who will take it up the butt, that there cowboy needs to call me!!!!

  6. AyyyPapi4:08 AM

    Mormons are especially weird.

  7. I recall it being more about watching...I'm taking the "kind of" at the end of the blind to reference that.

  8. Lived with an LDS family in Utah and worked there over a year. They are not weird, they're just different. All the women are on prozac, the kids on ridalin, and the men are all in the closet. They don't drink coffee or any soft drinks with caffeine in them. However, they are the largest buyers of ice cream in the US. They are really nice people. They just don't live in reality.

  9. He's really far from attractive. Ugh. Plus he's just so precious. I don't get why or what's going on there.

  10. Zilla15:11 AM

    He looks like James Coburn, actually.

  11. weird5:24 AM

    honestly its weird I always thought both of them were closeted/bi

  12. Malibuborebee6:25 AM

    Me too, @weird, they give off that vibe.

  13. I lived and worked in Utah for a summer in college (don't ask why!). I worked in a resto in SLC and was constantly asked what "ward" I was from by customers who I waited on. I learned early on to say I was from xyz ward in Los Angeles or Cleveland or whatever was far away so I would not get stiffed on tips! If they only knew I was really gay and Jewish lol

  14. That's why they call it "happy valley." Provo has the highest consumption of anti-depressants in the world. No joke

  15. Antonio5:48 PM

    Yes I thought tons of blinds about Derek being gay? WTF he flipped a switch

  16. Willow1:22 AM

    Wait...Derek Hough isn't gay? Come on, my gaydar goes off big time over him.

  17. Camal192:41 AM

    BS...Derek is gay. He has the two women to either...

    A. Go shopping with him
    B. Help him find guys to hook up with
