Thursday, April 21, 2016

Blind Item #1

This current reality star who is also a B list mostly television actress on a hit almost television show wants some sympathy. Don't give her any. It is drug related and she brought it on herself.


  1. sandybrook11:34 PM

    I have no clue but try Taryn Manning since she's a drug addict

  2. sandybrook11:35 PM

    n/m Jodie Sweetin from Fuller House

  3. Snookiemonster11:49 PM

    yep. The ankle injury

  4. Sunny110912:16 AM

    My boyfriend noticed how "cracked out" she looked during the rehearsal package on last week's episode.

  5. Murphy11:28 PM

    I knew she could never stay sober for this Fuller House/DWTS stint. If she was ever sober in the first place. She admitted to giving speeches about sobriety while high as a kite--you can never believe a word she says.
