Thursday, April 28, 2016

Blind Item #2

It always cracks me up when I read about this former A list tweener actor who is a B list mostly movie actor as an adult. He loves to say how pious he is, but he is the first in line to hit on someone. Don't even get me started on his wife. A drinker and a chain smoker when he supposedly thinks they are both sins.


  1. Snookiemonster11:52 PM

    Kirk Cameron

  2. Kirk isn't even B list in the Christer circuit, let alone Hollywood.

  3. sandybrook12:30 AM

    God forbid Kirk Cameron being B list anything today Enty--Burn in hell for that!

  4. Auntie12:57 AM

    Kirk is d list at best. How about Stephen Baldwin? He told Ireland's ex to pray her gay away or go to hell.

  5. Derek Harvey1:42 AM

    Jerry O Connell and Rebecca?

  6. cebii1:57 AM

    I Like this answer. Kirk's wife still looks great, better than she would a 51 if she chain smoked. Stephen's wife has not aged as well

  7. Malibuborebee5:58 AM

    Kirk Cameron and his nasty sister used to fuck like they were Targaryens (or Lannisters).

    The Baby Jebus hates them.
