Saturday, April 09, 2016

Blind Item #2

While this foreign born A list dual threat actor was out of town filming, his wife was out with another man, who some say is the boyfriend from whom she never split. The two were definitely very very close while out in public. I think she thinks she is not recognized when she goes out.


  1. Derek Harvey2:15 AM

    cumberbatch, dornan, redmayne

  2. Derek Harvey2:16 AM

    am I forgetting anyone??????

  3. Zilla12:17 AM

    Hugh Jackman?

  4. sandybrook2:19 AM

    Hey the weekly Cumberbitch page view blind. Zac must be next.

  5. CaliDreams2:26 AM

    Cumberbatch. Away filming Sherlock in Cardiff. Pictures of wife in all her bad fashion glory with another man at National Theatre after a performance of Les Blancs. Their stans are in denial and trying to say it's someone else.

  6. OhComeOn2:42 AM

    Sophue Huter spotted at National Theatre with some guy. While Cumberbatch is out of town filming Sherlock.

  7. let divorce talk commence

  8. mariaj2:55 AM

    Where is the popcorn..wait, found it, let's the fun begins?

  9. Sophie just leave the workaholic otter. You're a star now. You can shine on your own.

  10. Isn't Sophie Hunter a hooker and a witch? (You can all thank me for this later.)

  11. Lidia3:04 AM

    Nah just a dilettante. I've seen her shitty acting.

  12. Alice Hastings3:20 AM

    Because women are not allowed to go out with male friends once they're married. Folks are living in the dark ages.

  13. I assume that that's not actually a photo of you in your avatar, Dena. So given that you are probably some overweight, ugly, old, lonely forum addict woman, why don't you just back off Sophie who is beautiful and successful and everything you sad little hag are not.

  14. Malibuborebee3:34 AM

    Yes! Zac. (Is he foreign born? No idea)

    There. Now the clickbait siren song of the stans has been sung.

  15. Agreed the guy was her brother or cousin anyway. Fuck the haters.

  16. Why is it that it's always Hunter-stans who sound like extremist and sexist assholes?

  17. Oh back off and wank off on your Cumberlord's photos. It's mind boggling why anyone would find that mongo attractive.

  18. So you are telling me you just think "Sophie is devine" but Cumerbatch is like some special needs person??!!! So why are you such a Hunter fan? Think she's a great singer, a model? Or are you her friend?

  19. Polka4:08 AM

    Matt, are you the twonk behind 'Sophie Hunter Central'? Yes, you must be. You are the only one that defends her like this.

  20. Seriously how can you and your fellow haters even f u n c t i o n in he real world. Don't obsess about complete strangers. And Sophie is the sweetest person in the industry just so you know it.

  21. skeptical4:11 AM

    It's definitely Benedict Cumberbatch and Sophie Hunter. The pictures of the the date are all over Tumblr.

  22. Aeltri4:11 AM

    Please, SH is an anorexic, horse faced, drug addicted slag whose sole talent is famewhoring. I say this because one her former clients said that she was a "snoozefest" when she was practicing the world's oldest trade. That's pretty sad if you ask me...

  23. Alice Hastings4:13 AM

    You spelled divine wrong, Dani.

  24. Polka4:13 AM

    Escorts are sweet? Wow, you really do learn something new every day.

  25. Kno Won Uno4:14 AM

    Oh, goodie! Bitter, snarling comments in celeb defense.
    Just when this Saturday was shaping up to be dreadfully dreary.
    Not that I read it all or much care, but diversion is diversion.

  26. harriet4:21 AM

    Oh for crying out loud the pictures show an entirely different couple. The wife got mistaken for Hunter and then the husband found speculative posts on a blog. He said so on his facebook. Then one his friend told another blog about the mistake and the couple's outrage. Really it's not Sophie Hunter at all!!

  27. If she is so great without him then link to one thing that she has actually done that's any good. ONE thing. There is nothing. The only reason anyone knows her name is because of who she married and whose coattails she is riding. She has tried so hard to get recognized by hanging off of Benedict like a bad smell that people are finally recognizing her without him. Too bad for her that it's the one time she didn't want to be seen. I've seen the series of pics, it is def. her out with some guy who looks nothing like her brothers. No one dresses like Sophie, in such ugly miss match stuff.

  28. harriet4:23 AM

    Sophie is not a celebrity. Get your facts straight.

  29. harriet4:27 AM

    Do you have ANY proof for this lie? Sophie comes from an incredibly wealthy background. THAT's how she could stay in NYC all those years. She wasn't a prostitute, Wiki.

  30. Kno Won Uno4:36 AM

    Actress who's not a celebrity?
    Ok, luv.
    Enjoy your afternoon!

  31. Polka4:45 AM

    Stop changing your name, Matt/SHC. And I am not Wiki.

  32. gatorwatch4:48 AM

    I do what I want, scum

  33. Derek Harvey5:15 AM

    I beg your pardon? I have seen her pic and she is very pretty. And this is OUR territory. You wanna come here and act all crazy -go ahead. But don't be attacking the regulars over your cuckoo nonsense.
    Sexist whack-job loser.

  34. Dani Almanor5:33 AM

    Thanks for this blind, it is ALL the proof we needed that orignal Enty is long gone and the Korean conglomerate that runs this site now will accept any lying blinds from the Gatorfisch minions on tumblr (Hi there Aeltri, still telling everyone that Cumberbatch eye fucked you at SDCC? At least you stopped using fake names here).

    3 very blurry photos were sent to SoGo's blog, and there is no way any rational, unbiased person could say 100% that is Sophie Hunter. It could be any number of brunette women that I see in London every day. Then someone posted on Facebook saying it was him and his wife and he was furious about it, so at least one blog had the decency to remove the photos, but the obsessed Sophie haters are now accusing that Facebook profile of being fake, or set up by Matthew Siskin, or someone who was paid to take the heat off Sophie Hunter (in Gatorfisch's mind, someone is always being paid even though Sophie Hunter is so broke that she's blackmailing Cumberbatch).

    If you need a good laugh, go to and watch her internet meltdowns that have been getting worse since the first wedding anniversary celebrated with a quicky romantic weekend in Venice and not the divorce announcement she was predicting. Pay special attention to her very strong belief that the photos of Cumberbatch and his baby taken in NYC last week are photoshopped, that Cumberbatch was never there. Now she's banging on about some super duper top secret article that is going to come out and ruin Sophie Hunter, but its going to take months because it has to be investigated and its bigger than the Panama Papers, but don't worry folks, she sent a message to Cumberbatch through one of her contacts to warn him that Hunter is going to bring him down. She's also the one spreading the lie that Hunter is a high priced escort just because she was topless in a movie.

    Any minute now one of her followers will come here and accuse all of us of being Gambles, an old friend of Hunter's that they are all convinced is her lover and mastermind of the whole conspiracy, at the same time they call him really stupid. Go look, it's worth a laugh.

  35. These threads are always fun! Keep 'em coming!

  36. Julie5:46 AM

    Except the woman who actually is in the photo already came forward to confirm its her and her husband. You literally can't see anything in the photo except that's it's a dark haired woman. You can't see her face at all.

  37. Julie5:47 AM

    Nope the woman in the photos is not Sophie. The couple on the photos is considering legal action.

  38. Julie5:49 AM

    It's a dead heat between the Cumbercrazies and the Larries with babygate right now.

    What kind of mentality does it take to dedicate literally your entire life to insisting that a celebrity you've never even met is faking a marriage and a baby, just because you can't bear to think of him having sex with someone else.

  39. Frank5:50 AM

    Yup. Exactly what the wife of one of the highest profile celebs would do! Go on a date to the NT while hubs is away! Gator at the very least come up with an interesting blind next time.

  40. Julie5:51 AM

    More sexist that the people who run literal hate campaigns, constantly libel, and real life stalk a perfectly ordinary nice woman who they've never even spoken to and know zero about (AND run hate campaigns about and stalk her BABY) purely because she married their crush?

    These people are literally evil.

  41. LOLSTANS5:55 AM

    No, one of the crazies on Tumblr stalked some woman who very slightly resembles Sophie, took intentionally poor photos of her from the back with her husband (seriously everyone has a smart phone with a powerful camera now -- by by sheer coincidence the "sceptic" who admits to following "Sophie" around was never able to get a photo of her face? And ALL her photos were so blurry you could barely see then, despite being taking in multiple locations??) then posted them online claiming they were of Sophie and a date.

    The real couple are furious about it.

  42. Oh, goodie, gatorfisch is at it again. I wonder how she manages to get any work done or if she does even work given how much energy she wastes on her fantasies about cumberbatch's wife faking a pregnancy, them walking around new york city with a borrowed or photoshopped baby. Poor dears. They really need to get over it. He's married, has a child and their dreams of being rescued from their miserable lives by him are dead. And, it apparently wasn't even his wife at the theater. Idiots.

  43. I know. It's not as if no one at the National Theater doesn't know cumberbatch. It is hardly the place to conduct an illicit affair. The gator & Co stupidity is in flames this past week after seeing actual photographic proof of a baby. Their heads seems to have all simultaneously exploded or something.

  44. Aeltri6:10 AM

    What a natural beauty she is:
    One word: MANFACE.

  45. morgan56:15 AM

    oookay. Saw the pictures and compared it to her pictures in google image search and I'd say with a 98% certainty it is her. I would say that this blind is revealed thanks to you and your cohorts trying to defend your fave.

  46. mariaj6:22 AM

    Will i one day understand what the hell people find in that so unattractive to me Benedict Cumberbatch and his insignificant, very ordinary looking wife to fight so passionatly over them?

    Probably not

  47. Derek Harvey6:23 AM

    NO lol---I was referring to Matt calling Dena ugly and fat etc. cause she was joking around about the crazy talk around here. I could gives a rats ass about the subjects of this blind.

  48. Aeltri6:25 AM

    Hey that wasn't me who posted. Someone's impersonating me!!!!!

  49. CaliDreams6:26 AM

    I have seen the photos. It's her. But if you want to believe the Cumbernuts and think that Cumberbatch and this woman can do no wrong, go right ahead.

  50. frankie6:30 AM

    Here's my take: Hunter and cousin or random friend went to the theatre. Then photos were submitted to fan blogs of Cumberbatch so that his fans talk about her again. Similar photos of Hunter have been mysteriously submitted to fansites for a long time. Anything is done to gain the woman attention. Then same friends denied that it was even her and invented some man with his wife who claim it's them and who want to sue. Then a blind here aaaand more talk about nothing (aka Hunter).

  51. Frances6:33 AM

    The weirdest thing about gatorfisch is that she's not a teen, but a 45 year year old mortgage broker in Nevada. It's just all so very odd. I suspect that her blog is a parody site, as no one could be that over the top.

  52. Frances6:34 AM

    It's a mystery.

  53. Absolutely agree. ALL of the haters names and addresses are known to the authorities. They are the worst scum on this planet and any minute now each and every one of them will get arrested and face Sophie in court.

  54. Kerry6:49 AM

    Well, someone was spotted and snapped at the theatre:

  55. This link will work better:

    It's a good blog run by a distant relative of Sophie.

  56. wait what7:00 AM

    Sophie's relatives run tumblr blogs? lol what losers.

  57. Yeahsure7:40 AM

    You didn't even need the last two - it Cumberbatch's wife allegedly seen out somewhere with a man not Mr. Cumberbatch whom she wasn't even kissing, just linked arms with. Really.

    This isn't a BI, it's a lift from the notorious skeptic blogs, or was sent in by one of them. The rest of us have been expecting one for the last two days.

    The only surprise was how long it took Enty to type it.

  58. Yeahsure7:41 AM

    Why, hi Gator/Aeltri/wiki! How you doin' today?

  59. Yeahsure7:42 AM

    Oh don't spoil their fun. They've already trotted out all their "This must be the beginning of the end!" fantasies.

  60. Yeahsure7:46 AM

    Well I dunno about beautiful and successful, I think Hunter a highly overrated article in those arenas, but one thing she indubitably is that Dena and the rest are not, and that is . . . Mrs. Benedict Cumberbatch, and it's killin' them.

  61. sandybrook7:51 AM

    I <3 all you Cumberbitches seriously and the enterns luv you more than I so.

  62. Yeahsure7:57 AM

    Who the fek cares? Whoever they were, of whoever he was, they were walking down a concourse together, not having it off on one of the counters.

  63. Yeahsure8:03 AM

    Aren't they? I always feel like going to confession afterward, but I can't help it, the obsessed skeptics always go up like Roman Candles.

  64. Aeltri8:10 AM

    The only people who are at extremely high risk for being arrested and facing the judge in court are SH and her BF. The dirt that some people have on her already reads like a laundry list of felonies. It'll become public knowledge soon enough...

  65. hahahahahhaha

  66. i know right

  67. don't lead people to that site if you want them to believe the baby's real. the Photoshop posts are pretty convincing. i think they are a Photoshop job.

  68. it's gone

  69. The gif of the tiny t-rex arm that magically grows in length is pretty convincing to me. Also his fingers being in the wrong place.

  70. so not only is she riding on Ben's coattails, her distant relatives are too?

  71. I'm curious about something. If the guy who says it's him and his wife in the pictures is real, and he wants them taken down, and he knows who's published them (he does, and he named her in his Facebook post), why hasn't he asked her to take them down? That's the simplest way to go, rather than wringing his hands over FB and saying, "Woe is me, how can I ever have these pictures removed from that blog?"

  72. It's bcuz that FB account is fake. The only friend that account has is a David Tennant role-playing account.

    If you look at the pictures, it is Sophie: her hair, her bag, her limbs, her shoes.

    To deny it is her is like saying there's a fake baby. That's how deluded the nannies are over this, despite it looking pretty innocent.


    Here's the photos. Judge for yourselves.

  74. Anna Nonymous3:40 PM

    Holy shit. Youve really done your homework there. Enty, is that you? Papa can you hear me? Its crazy that the same troll that tussled with me and crashed the comments section is still at it. Get a life CumberCrazy. Phew! Youre cray cray lady. A complete wack job. God help you. Ill pray for you. Really.

  75. Xoxo, Derek! But I was trying to get them going, so no butt hurt here.

  76. marlo4:50 PM


    The primitive pathetic loser Cumberbishes, and the ones defending his prozzy wife, have no lives.

    Embarrassment to mankind, acting like 14 year old hormonal idiot teens, over this albino and his hooker.

  77. marlo4:51 PM

    Get a life you excruciatingly pathetic loser.

  78. schmoop5:44 PM

    The greatest joke: Sophie Hunter is successful.
    I laughes so hard I cried. She is a trust fund baby who never had to work a sinle day in her life.

  79. Yeahsure1:02 AM

    I don't think "incredibly wealthy" - certainly "well born" and well connected and enough funds to keep her from having to do what the rest of us do to keep roofs over our heads, food on the table, and clothes on her back. She's wealthier now having married His Nibs, I think his cumulative worth is about 15 million. But I don't think her family has that much money left.

  80. Yeahsure1:08 AM

    Personally, it looked like Hunter to me, but the point is, so what? Married women aren't required to sit in purdah at home when their husbands are away, she was at a public theater, married women have male and female friends, the whole thing was devoid of meaning of any kind.

  81. Chu Chu3:54 AM

    So says the "fan" who says Benedict eye fucked her at comic con. And theres nothing wrong with being a prostitute. If she really was one WHO THE FUCK CARES? You know marrying a prostitute is nothing new Hollywood right? And Bens used them before, we're those prostitutes blackmailing him too?

  82. Chu Chu4:04 AM

    Hes handsome in a non-threatening way. Its keeps the fantasy of "he would totally love me in real life" alive. If Sophie is "ugly" then these woman are trolls. Ironically these woman would like Ben to marry someone who is perfect so they can keep the whole "evenually I'll meet my one true love one day" fantasy alive. So many of these women who hate on Sophie are middle aged and single. Like ALOT of these woman. No perfect marriage for Ben means "Forever ALone" for them.

  83. ChuChu4:13 AM

    The facebook page was setup in 2014 but only used a few times. So someone setup a fake account in 2014 to make look skeptics look bad? Paranoia amoung these skeptics is too much for me seriously. There are tonnes of Facebook pages with little to no activity that arent fake. Everything is fake to skeptics, untill your proven wrong then everything is PR. You guys shouldnt harrassing this guy on Facebook because you believe its a fake account. It could be real why bother to report him? Oh its because its direspectful to the fandom who are entitled to be treated liek thier fucking precious? This is why i HATE FANDOMS!

  84. Aeltri6:00 AM

    They didn't because they were ethical in that regard, read "The Honest Courtesan". My point, which you seem to have difficulty comprehending, is that SH is untalented, unscrupulous and she couldn't even do sex work properly so she resorted to conning more than one A Lister. I have no need to lie about that incident btw and I certainly didn't describe what happened using that term. I know what I saw, too bad you can't!

  85. Lera, don't spew crap you can't back up. If skeptics addresses were sent to authorities, it was from a nanny like you and that is more illegal then anything anyone has ever said about Sophie.

  86. Alice Hastings6:51 AM

    Who the hell are you? Damn there are a nasty bunch of people out there in fannishville. Do you have any proof of these, allegations, child? Let's see it.

  87. or it was originally a role-playing account and the person changed the name.

    And the timeline also claims to have posts from 2006, when it's really just going by the life event that was dated in 2006. That's how Facebook works.

    You don't think much, do you? It's obviously Sophie in those photos and if he was so furious, why haven't there been anything done about it? When someone wants pics to come down, they send anons asking for that. This 'guy' went straight into calling the link 'a psycho' and claiming that the link said 'lover', when there wasn't such a word in that whole blog.

    Not everything is PR but not everything is real, either.

    Maybe if they linked to Gatorfisch, it would've looked more real, haha.

  88. That's the million dollar question, isn't it? It looks like she was with a close friend or a relative, there's nothing scandalous about it at all.

    So why are the Nannies so adamant that it isn't her? To the point where one of them fakes an FB post to influence ppl to take the photos down?

    Who cares that much about it besides Gatorfisch and her clan of psychos? Lol.

  89. You are nuts.

  90. Chuchu5:47 AM

    Yeah you fangirls are all nuts. I dont think much? Umm excuse me if I dont know about losers setting roleplaying account on facebook. This Bullshit is fucking too much. Why so fucking offended that your fave married someone YOU DONT LIKE? I'm tempted to start a Sophie Hunter love compaign just to irk twats like you. Hope to Sophie EVERYWHERE when the Dr Strange press tour starts.

  91. Who says I hate her? Lol, you pressed nannies think even ppl who dislike her clothes hate her. Haha

    I bet you already run a Sophie Love blog, from the way you talk. You should be a part of that group of obsessed fans who seem to masturbate to their trolling of the skeptics, haha.

    You're the one that sounds like a fangirl, too bad you can't hide it well. But whatever. Mistaken identity or a fake belly, the Cumberbitches are crazy as a whole, anyway.
