Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Blind Item #5

This RHNY star who makes more money than most of the rest put together got some botox done and tried to go to lunch. Couldn't eat. tried to sip some water through a straw. She got some in her mouth, but most dribbled down her chin.


  1. Derek Harvey12:45 AM

    bethany frankel

  2. Kno Won Uno12:49 AM

    As if she hadn't already FUBAR'd her face.

  3. Derek Harvey12:52 AM

    yeah but I think this one is made-up---we ALL know she does not eat...

  4. Does anyone else think Botox is stupid?

  5. Mary Contrary3:09 AM

    Yes! It's got lots of benefits for medical uses but for the healthy and insecure- its just stupid. LILO, for example... Bih is 29 and looks like she could get senior discount- plus, her whole face is entirely immobile. That's a serious investment. All I can see are her insecurities.

    I spent all my $ trying to hide my insecurities too but nobody looks at my Ph.D. And goes "ewwww..."- maybe they do but I thought they were going "ooooh"

  6. Malibuborebee9:35 AM

    Ha. Exactly so. Eating won't keep Bethany in her five-year-old's pajamas. I saw her face somewhere recently after not seeing it for quite a while (probably the Daily Fail), ho-fucking-rrendous.

    Faye Dunaway looks better than this Frankel twat and Faye has been fucking up her face for 20 years.

  7. Sarcasm Maroney9:43 AM

    Injecting Botulism into your face (and elsewhere) is stupid?

    I can't imagine why anyone would think that, what could possibly go wrong?

  8. It's all ridiculous, @david. Pay attention, ladies: You do NOT look younger by using Botox or having cheek implants or getting fat injections or whatever! You are still old, and now you look weird too because no lines on your face and a lack of expression make you look inhuman.

  9. Botox is not usually done in the upper third of the face...only the forehead, between the eyebrows, crow's feet, etc. Fillers are done below and they don't impair muscle movement. My guess is that she may have had a mini face lift.

  10. I meant to say that it is usually done only in the upper third of the face. I've had botox done on the lines between my eyes (the "eleven" lines) and I have been happy with the results. I used to wear bangs to cover the lines, and the guy who cuts my hair kept telling me women over 50 should never wear bangs. (I'm 57.) So I grew out the bangs and got botox. The lines are still kind of there, but much less noticeable. You just can't can't overdo it. You can't get too much, or have it done too often.

    And I agree about the cheek fillers. They just make you look strange. I know two women who had that done and it looks awful.
