Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #4

March 8, 2016

This former A list rapper turned sometime actor/sometime jail resident/sometime reality star is selling off the presents he and his wife received after a recent event held in their honor.

T.I. (baby shower)


  1. Kno Won Uno2:49 AM

    Tacky, tacky, tacky.
    Next time ask for money - say it's for the baby's college fund or something. Eliminate all the gift wrap and whatnot.

  2. Angela63:05 AM

    I was invited to a wedding last year where the happy couple asked guests to bring gift cards from high end department stores (list provided of course). No other gifts were really suitable for them and they would be donated, I sent a grocery gift card because the bitches obviously need to eat. I did not received a thank you card, so no manners either.

  3. Zilla13:07 AM

    That is a genius move!

  4. And-so-on..4:17 AM

    Does Roto-router do gift cards? Heh

  5. Derek's Thong6:39 AM

    Got a birthday party invite for an 8 year old great niece and there was a list of stores and selections...just like for a bride. This is ill-mannered.

  6. Studio5412:13 PM

    That is low and low class. Remember how mad fans were at the sex actress who wouldn't give back the gifts for her 2 month wedding?

  7. they're broke
