Monday, April 04, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #5

February 9, 2016

This former A-/B+ list mostly movie actress who depends on men and made for tv movies to live her lifestyle is going to end up dead in the next year if she does not start eating. Our actress apparently does nothing but drink and smoke each day and might have a couple of bites of salad every couple of days.

Tara Reid


  1. sandybrook3:35 AM

    Perhaps she wants to be dead.

  2. Kno Won Uno3:36 AM

    Mmm hmm

  3. Is she anorexic? Or does she do way too many drugs to even bother to be hungry?

  4. Tara's career fell off oneday. It seemed like she was on top of the world after American Pie then her surgical mess of a boob fell out and her career was over. Traumatizing enough to get bad plastic surgery, so I hope the momentum she's gotten from Sharknado lasts.

  5. Nelly4:48 AM

    It wasn't one day. Instead of working on her acting, she became a HW party girl. Which lead to being a yacht girl for Euro trash.

  6. WritergirlinLA10:28 AM

    She's now on the small town comic con circuit working for autographs. A friend just signed her to one.

  7. I worked a few days on the second Sharknado movie & she was even more terrifyingly thin in person. She was super-tanned & wearing white (probably to make her look larger) pants that were the smallest size. They hung off her frame in such a sickly way. I don't think she realizes just how frail she looks. Body dysmorphia & drugs have left her a shell of a person.
