Friday, April 01, 2016

Four For Friday- Bangkok Part Three

When you are going to be sick, the last thing you want in this world is to have to face being sick in some port-a-potty in the middle of a film set in the heart of Bangkok. Even in LA, a film set port-a-potty is something you dread. Put that sucker in the middle of a set when it is 90 degrees outside with 90% humidity and see how you feel. Why don't you throw in some jet lag and drenching sweat to go with it. That is what I faced. Almost immediately after spying the cheater head back into his trailer, I could feel it coming. That inevitable feeling you hope will pass that you are going to be violently sick. It felt awful. I frantically looked around and spotted a port-a-potty. I dreaded it but I didn't have much choice. I was going to have to get on my knees in that vile contraption and hope for the best. I so wished I had been drunk right then just to make the whole thing a little more palatable.

I opened the door. Yeah, it was even worse than I imagined. The smell pushed me over the edge and I didn't even bother closing the door as I heaved. It was one of the worst experiences of my life. Honestly, the only saving grace was that I left the door open. Confined inside would have been the end of me. They probably would have found me there at some point. As it was, an actor who we will identify as JC saw me. Legs half out the door, bent over and came over to help. I heard his voice asking if I was OK. Judging from the guy in the suit bent over, he probably assumed I was another victim of the never ending nightlife in the city. A hangover would have been preferable at that point. I knew it was food poisoning. It is an easy self-diagnosis. There is no other explanation for the violent explosion or feeling you get from food poisoning. When I was in the sixth grade I had my first episode. An all you can eat seafood buffet. What could be wrong with warming lights and seafood in an open environment? I tell you that I didn't touch any seafood for a decade after that night.

When JC asked for the second time if I was OK, I wanted to make some kind of smart ass remark, because, I mean who is OK if they are puking in this situation? I whispered food poisoning. I got a knowing nod in return. I still don't think he was convinced at that point that it was not a hangover. It turns out though a week earlier he had dealt with the same issue. The guy actually reached out his hand and helped me up off the ground and took me over to his trailer. Can I tell you a feeling I remember to this day? When he opened the door there was this rush of cold air that came from that space like none I had felt before. It almost knocked me over, but in a very good way. The best way I can describe it to you is to go to somewhere where it is really hot and that first step you take into an air conditioned public space where someone else is paying the air conditioning bill.

That cold air saved me. I am convinced of it. He pointed to a couch in the trailer. This is a guy I had never met but I did a face plant on to that sofa like I had known him for years. That sofa felt like heaven. For the next two hours I would alternate between that sofa and his tiny bathroom. In between, we talked a little bit. I knew who he was of course, but we talked about this and that. Some common people we knew. At some point he had to go film and I told him I could make it the length of a cab ride to make it back to my hotel. He insisted on getting a car for me. Have I told you how great this guy was? I remember just being a shell while in the back of that car on the way to the hotel. When I got there, it must have been late afternoon. Cocktail hour. The noise was not at the same level it had been the night before. Had it really not even been 24 hours since I got to town? I made my way through the throngs of men, some of whom had their afternoon dates with them.

When I closed the door to my hotel room, I dropped down to a section of cold tile that was in between the door and the carpet to the rest of the room. I think I passed out there for a couple of hours. It was definitely dark when my stomach erupted again. The sofa in the hotel was not nearly as comfortable as the one in the trailer. Back and forth I went for most of the night. Time was not something I was paying attention to. No television. Just a dark room and the path between sofa and bathroom.

At some point during all of this I got a call. I remember it was JC and the guy was checking up on me. I don't remember it and I never thought to ask him later, but I must have given him my room number during that call because shortly before sunrise there was a knock at the door and there he was. The guy filmed all night. Instead of going to sleep, the guy came across town to check up on a guy he didn't know. He told me I should get some rest in the bed and not the sofa. I will tell you the hotel bed felt amazing.

When I woke up, there was sun coming through the windows and I could hear people either in the room above or next to me having sex. Loud sex. I also realized it had been hours since I had been sick. I staggered out to the living areas of the room to raid the mini bar for some bottled water. Sitting in a chair in the living room watching television was JC. Yep. He stayed.

I could go on about this guy, but I made it a point from that point on to say positive things about him whenever I had a chance. Bought him dinner and lunches for years every chance I could. Just an angel. No other words to describe it. After making sure I was going to live, he took off to go get a little rest before he had to start shooting again. I had some water, called the airline and moved my flight up to later that night. I wanted out of there. I left almost 48 hours after I arrived. I actually had the same flight crew for the second flight from Taiwan back to LA as I did on the way to Taiwan. I also had a row all to myself. I didn't eat though. I think that stretch of time might be the longest I have gone without eating.

Craziest 48 hour trip.


  1. sandybrook3:17 AM

    not enough info to even venture a guess on JC

  2. Elle B3:22 AM

    It took 3 days to tell a story ending in food poisoning. Can't say I'm surprised.

  3. MontanaMarriott3:23 AM

    Well since Enty raves about John Goodman all the time I will say he is JC?

  4. sandybrook3:23 AM

    Nic Cage had 2 movies where he played characters who had those initials

  5. Dutch3:31 AM

    Spill Enty! I want names!

  6. Kno Won Uno3:31 AM

    I agree with @sandybrook.
    Enty, do you understand that it's OK to stand up/bend over to vomit? There's no physiological necessity to kneel, sit or otherwise wallow in filth while you're manufacturing more of it.
    Sometimes I worry about you.

  7. Kno Won Uno3:32 AM

    Frat Boy Enty loves gross stories

  8. Chubber Lang3:35 AM

    Going with yesterday's (very good) Legend of Chun-Li guess, I'm going with Michael Clarke Duncan.

    JC for John Coffey. Well known as an all around good guy and the post makes it seems like he's passed away.

  9. sandybrook3:37 AM

    I cant find anything in his IMDB that says he filmed in Bangkok

  10. StewMcG3:41 AM

    +1 on the Michael Clarke Duncan guess

  11. StewMcG3:49 AM

    And, to put all the pieces together:

    Movie - "Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li"
    JM - Jeremy Piven
    SD - Chris Klein
    BC - Neal McDonough
    JC - Michael Clarke Duncan

    Man, I miss OG Enty!

  12. Big Al3:50 AM

    Who gives a fuck? Seriously, nice fiction by the interns

  13. My wife spent her growing up years as an Air Force Brat in the Far East.
    She, to this day, won't eat any food that is attributed to that region of the Earth.
    Even though it is made right here in the god ole USA, right down the street from our house.
    She says her experiences with local Asian food growing up is complete.

  14. Avers3:57 AM

    "48 hours" must be a clue.

  15. All he needed was to add the words "back hair" to complete this practice film noir nausea inducing script.

  16. The late actor J. C. Walsh made a movie there. Knew him when he was an off-Broadway actor who wasn't sure he was pretty enough for Hollywood and films. Very sweet guy who bought his girlfriend her own business long before it became popular. Died way too young.

  17. Key-Rist! Forgive me J. T. !!! Obviously wasn't him. Just woke up (2:30). Work at night. Never awake until 4. J. T. nor J. C. !

  18. guidedog4:45 AM

    Oooh - well this part will most likely be a reveal making the rest of the tale easier to piece together! Enty does love to reveal a Kindness!

  19. back again6:00 AM

    Well, thanks to @ Razz's awesome guess yesterday -- no question that Michael Clarke Duncan is JC (John Coffey from "The Green Mile") and all the rest buuuuuut, I still think that:
    JM === Stephen Dorff=== Johnny Marco,the lead role in Sofia Coppola's movie"Somewhere"...he's known as a bigtime smoker,dating Charlotte McKinney the instagram model, etc.. & for all the other reasons stated in the part 1 of this Blind's comments.

  20. back again6:03 AM

    oh & Dorff sounds like Dwarf that may soon be considered a slur to some.

  21. Presto6:13 AM

    I love how Michael Clarke Duncan seemed unfazed by all the sex around him lol

  22. Bambibuubzitch6:16 AM

    JC = Jesus Christ? Jane Curtin? Jiminy Cricket?

  23. SD = Suri's Dad (from second part of the blind)

  24. SkittleKitty6:59 AM

    I think StewMcG put all the pieces together correctly. I would add that the reason this may have entered Enty's brain right now is Omarosa's discussion of the Donald's campaign. Omarosa was engaged to Michael Clarke Duncan (why? who knows.) when he passed away.

  25. Sandy Clarke7:02 AM

    I know this happened a while ago, but a word to the wise: Do not eat or buy ANY seafood from Thailand or parts therein. Literally filthy and full of Japanese radiation. Don't believe me? Ask Michael Savage!

  26. LauraOK7:37 AM

    Like this answer better than David Spade. Enty stated the name "almost" sounds like a slur, and calling someone a Spade, is an actual (unkind and unfortunate) slur.

    The other answers work, though.

  27. French girl8:28 AM

    I went twice in Thailand and I never was sick with local food .

  28. If you are only throwing up during a bout of food poisoning, I'd say you were very fortunate. But throwing up in a port a potty has to be it's own kind of torture.

  29. Stacy3:07 PM

    It has to be this.

  30. JM is Downy (read: downsy).

    "Spade" already is a slur. Plus, he's hardly considered "good looking" by all.

    I just don't see how "piven" resembles any kind of past, present, or future slur.

  31. Entry just told whoever was on that set who he was, so its amazing he still gets hired.
