Friday, May 06, 2016

Blind Item #11

You know, going to a charity event is a volunteer thing. No one is making you attend or participate. So, when this foreign born A list mostly movie actress spent hours complaining about everything for her five minute appearance, organizers decided they would not have her back next year.


  1. sandybrook4:32 AM

    so many to choose from..... I'll take Charlize Theron and you take?.....

  2. Kno Won Uno4:59 AM

    Helen Mirren

  3. sandybrook5:00 AM

    grrrrrrrrr........ :(

  4. Kno Won Uno5:02 AM

    She won a "twerk off" at a charity event *she* hosted, I was just using her name in vain

  5. Zilla15:08 AM

    Emily Blunt?

  6. simon5:51 AM

    Nicole Kidman just cause she's the only one I can think of.

  7. Kibble6:50 AM

    Graciousness cannot be taught, it is a state of being.

  8. bush bunny7:31 AM

    Nicole Kidman was born in Hawaii. I guess that's foreign born, right?

  9. Simon8:10 AM

    No obviously I thought she was from Australia. Thanks for the sarcasm. I'm sure you are a brilliant person.

  10. bush bunny9:27 AM

    Simon, so sorry you took my post as being sarcastic. Nothing could be farther from the truth. And no, I am nowhere near a brilliant person. My dad had to pay my math teacher my senior year so I could graduate High School! True story.

  11. Clarisse McClellan11:17 AM

    Rosamund Pike? She was in the photos at a jean launch. Not sure that was charity though.

  12. Just4Fun12:36 PM

    Frequent readers of this site would not think twice about anyone offering up Kidman's name for this clue. Enty is constantly referring to her a foreign-born, so no one should feel badly. He tends to go by the accent (unless you are a US citizen born overseas on a US military base. THEN he calls you foreign-born. LOL)

  13. Simon3:12 PM

    Ok, sorry, too. I thought you were just trying to be a jerk. I didn't know she was born in Hawaii. Just guessing! All good.
