Monday, May 16, 2016

Blind Item #12

This is hard. You are going to have to challenge yourself. This person is a celebrity. She classifies herself as an artist and poet. In reality, she is a drug dealer to the stars who has used her friendship with this A+ list singer and the free drugs she gives the singer as an invitation to other events and other celebrities and more paying customers.


  1. Derek Harvey4:49 AM

    Warsan Shire

  2. Derek Harvey4:49 AM

    Music|Warsan Shire, the Woman Who Gave Poetry to Beyoncé's ...
    New York Times-Apr 27, 2016
    It belongs to a poet: Warsan Shire, a rising 27-year-old writer who was ... of the world's most influential black female artists, Ms. Shire laid low.

  3. Zilla14:51 AM

    She's a celebrity? If you say so...

  4. sandybrook4:51 AM

    Jill Scott/Riri?

  5. TopperMadison4:59 AM

    Maya Angelou

  6. Kno Won Uno5:05 AM


  7. Kno Won Uno5:07 AM

    So you're saying she's only marginally a celebrity *because* she is drug dealer to stars?

  8. Derek Harvey5:12 AM

    EXCUSE ME she is A POET lol

    Nail Technician as Palm Reader

    The nail technician pushes my cuticles
    back, turns my hand over,
    stretches the skin on my palm
    and says I see your daughters
    and their daughters.

    That night, in a dream, the first girl emerges
    from a slit in my stomach. The scar heals
    into a smile. The man I love pulls the stitches out
    with his fingernails. We leave black sutures
    curling on the side of the bath.

    I wake as the second girl crawls
    head first up my throat—
    a flower, blossoming
    out of the hole in my face.

  9. lila fowler5:12 AM

    I think this is supposed to be Jamie King (the A+ singer is Swifty). She and Kris Kidd have written a poetry book or something -- pics are on just jared today.

  10. LauraOK5:17 AM

    Ms. Angelou had a remarkable 50-year career and died in 2014. She was a legend, not a drug dealer.

  11. Lurky McLurkster5:26 AM

    I guess we see why she needs to deal drugs

  12. Kno Won Uno5:43 AM

    Therefore, I love it.

  13. Kno Won Uno5:45 AM

    I hope so, because she's a talentless leech. Tat Tay's her kid's godmother or something? Never understood that relationship.

  14. Kno Won Uno5:49 AM

    In other news, Chelsea Handler will leave the country if Trump is president.
    If she also won't be posting any more topless or naked pics if he's elected, this may be the strongest Trump endorsement I've seen.

  15. mercat5:55 AM

    Rosie O'Donnell

  16. shakey5:56 AM

    I truly admire and respect Derek's top notch reporting. His two pointer fingers must always be sore from holding ctr+c and finally ctrl+p after long, strenuous google searches. Bravo friend!

  17. religiouslyconfused6:05 AM

    A+ singer could be Tay Tay, Katy Perry or Rihanna me thinks.

  18. Um, whomever is stealing my user name, please get your own.

  19. Derek's Thong6:31 AM

    Speaking as DEREK'S THONG, I thank you.

  20. Ettacettera6:40 AM

    Unfortunately, that won't stop her...she may not realize in most of the world she couldn't do the celeb snark she's known for without hefty lawsuits. .and most celebs who say this have such inflated sense of importance , they don't see they're helping this idiot.

  21. majesty7:09 AM

    Jaime King, A+ friend is Taylor Swift who in a way can provide her access to toooons of clients. Taylor though strikes me as somebody who doesnt do anything but alcohol, which is the funny part.

    that story made me think this is about her

  22. Polly7:37 AM

    Why is Taylor Swift so skinny? She was so chubby a child and preteen. Ppl don't usually thin out like that.

  23. CrashDiego7:42 AM


  24. Honeybunny7:55 AM

    I'm with Polly.

  25. Guesser7:55 AM

    We found our next poet laureate.

  26. If i was your girlfriend8:33 AM

    Patti Smith

  27. Well for one thing she's at least 6 feet tall (I've stood next to her and am considered pretty tall for a woman and she towered over me in Keds.) I know, I know, all online things say she's 5'10 or 5'11, but celebrity women usually say they're under 6 feet while celebrity men all say they're at least 5'7 when they're not close.

  28. Taylor Swift towering over other starts here

  29. Jaime is for sure on pills or something cause she's been incoherent lately. She was on the Nerdist podcast a month ago and was talking about how she's going to sit down with Hillary Clinton and discuss important issues. And when she was promoting her makeup line she kept name dropping people like Cara Delevigne and Jessica Alba who no longer associate with her anymore. #trainwreck

  30. Jaime has a new kid's clothing line coming out that she keeps calling "the first gender fluid clothing line for kids," which is complete bullshit. There are plenty of gender neutral clothing lines in existence. I commented on one of her Instagram posts about how it's false advertising to claim to be the "first" when you're not and she blocked me lolol

  31. Hilary Morris11:54 AM

    Sinead O'Connor

  32. Hilary Morris12:13 PM

    Sinead O'Connor

  33. back again6:56 PM

    It works for me b/c I don't go to those lengths to check the veracity or lack thereof of a comment.Soooo,I always appreciate when Derek,Topper,Elle B.,Montana M,Kno,Sandy,French Girl,Ay,Dena,Tricia,SnookieM,& so many others on here DO the work (like@Me with all her site references)... it gives creedence to the popular answer---what's wrong with

  34. back again7:00 PM

    ....what's wrong w/ folks backing up their guesses w/ evidence or references...

  35. back again7:19 PM

    nooooooo waaaaaay.

  36. Caramel2:22 PM

    Cleo Wade is an actual poet. She's friends with Katy Perry.
